Temporary closure of some facilities at Luen Wo Hui Sports Centre

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today (September 30) that some facilities at Luen Wo Hui Sports Centre in North District will be temporarily closed for improvement works:

     Facilities      Periods of closure
     ----------      ------------------
     Arena           October 6 to December 18
     Fitness Room    December 19 to January 15, 2015

     During the closure period, the public may use similar facilities at the nearby Wo Hing Sports Centre, Tin Ping Sports Cenre, Lung Sum Avenue Sports Centre or Po Wing Road Sports Centre.

     For the most up-to-date closure schedules of the above leisure and sports facilities, the public may refer to the notices at the venues or contact venue staff direct.

Ends/Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Issued at HKT 15:00