DH urges continued vigilance against Ebola virus disease

     The Department of Health (DH) today (September 19) appealed to the public for continued vigilance against Ebola virus disease (EVD) in view of the increasing number of cases in the outbreaks in Africa.

     According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of September 14, a total of 5 357 cases (including 2 630 deaths) have been reported in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal. Separately, 71 cases (including 40 deaths) have been reported in another outbreak in Equateur Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo as of September 15.

     "The public should avoid unnecessary travel to the affected areas. We will continue to closely monitor overseas EVD outbreaks and work with stakeholders of the health-care sector and community partners to solicit their collaboration in combating EVD," a spokesman for the DH said.
     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the DH has held briefings for private hospitals and relevant government departments as well as the hotel and guesthouse industry to provide updates on the latest epidemiology of, infection control for and preparedness against EVD. Health talks will also be delivered to community organisations, property management bodies and transport operators.

     A set of guidelines has been issued for health professionals, the hotel industry, the public transport sector, workplace settings, property management, schools and hostels, management bodies of premises or event organisers, and participants of public functions.

     On the engagement front, the CHP maintains close liaison with the African community, District Councils, Healthy Cities projects in the district level, non-governmental organisations and government bureaux/departments on the latest EVD situation and seeks their assistance in disseminating health information to the public.

     Targeting specific population groups, health educational materials in French, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai and Tagalog are available. Visits have been paid to guesthouses in relevant buildings to deliver health advice, pamphlets and posters, followed by a health talk for licence holders of guesthouses and owners' corporations.

     "We have also stepped up publicity and health education efforts on the prevention of EVD to encourage the public to take preventive measures," the spokesman added.

     Health educational materials, including leaflets, pamphlets and posters, have been produced and widely distributed in the community, including clinics and hospitals, schools, housing estates, shopping arcades, markets and venues of the Home Affairs Department, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

     A dedicated webpage on EVD has been produced under the CHP website with information including disease updates, travel advice, Frequently Asked Questions and guidelines for various sectors. Information on preventive measures has also been delivered via television and radio Announcements in the Public Interest and the 24-hour health education hotline (2833 0111).

     The public may visit the pages below for more disease information and travel advice:

* The CHP's EVD page (www.chp.gov.hk/en/view_content/34199.html);
* The CHP's list of EVD-affected areas (www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/evd_affected_area.pdf);
* The DH's Travel Health News (www.travelhealth.gov.hk/english/outbreaknews/outbreaknews.html); and
* The WHO's EVD page (www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/en/).

Ends/Friday, September 19, 2014
Issued at HKT 15:34