Police facilitate the peaceful and orderly conduct of today's public event

      With the co-operation of the public and the organiser, the public meeting and procession today afternoon (August 17) from Victoria Park to Central were0generally conducted in a peaceful and orderly manner, a Police spokesman said.

     Police stress that we respect the public's freedoms of expression, speech and assembly and always handle public meetings, processions and demonstrations in a fair, just and impartial manner in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. We were grateful to local residents and road users for their understanding and tolerance with regard to any inconvenience caused during the event.

     Police received several incident reports in the course of the event, including assault, criminal damage and a person throwing eggs. In order to ensure that the public event could be conducted in a safe manner, Police had taken appropriate action and handled the incidents in a fair and just manner. In the above cases, a total of four men aged 36 to 58 were arrested.

     Police reiterate that it is the Force's policy to facilitate all lawful and peaceful public events while at the same time ensuring public safety and public order. Members of the public should comply with the laws of Hong Kong and maintain social order when expressing their views.

Ends/Sunday, August 17, 2014
Issued at HKT 21:38