LegCo Members' visit to Yat Fu Lane in Western District (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     Four Legislative Council (LegCo) Members conducted a site visit today (July 25) to Yat Fu Lane in the Western District to follow up on a complaint case about the mechanism of the Town Planning Board (TPB) in considering planning applications and related issues.

     Accompanied by representatives of the Transport Department and the Planning Department, Members visited a site approved by TPB for developing a hotel, and observed the traffic condition of Yat Fu Lane in the afternoon to better understand the feasibility to implement a pedestrian scheme in Yat Fu Lane raised by the deputation.  

     Members participating in the site visit included Duty Roster Members Ms Cyd Ho (convener) and Mr Ng Leung-sing, as well as Mrs Regina Ip and Mr Sin Chung-kai who were invited to attend.

     A closed meeting between Members and representatives of the Administration was held at the LegCo Complex after the site visit to follow up the case.

Ends/Friday, July 25, 2014
Issued at HKT 20:09