Outstanding youth commended today (with photos)

     The award presentation ceremony for the Outstanding Youth Commendation Scheme organised by the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB) and the Commission on Youth (CoY) was held today (March 22). Thirty-six young people were commended for their outstanding achievements in personal development, leadership and social services.

     The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing; the Chairman of the CoY, Mr Bunny Chan; the Convenor of the Youth Programme Co-ordinating Committee, Mr David Yip; and the Executive Director, Charities of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr Douglas So, attended the ceremony to show encouragement to the young awardees.

     Mr Tsang Tak-sing said, "The Chief Executive pointed out in this year's Policy Address that young people should develop positive social awareness and positive outlook on life. He also said that we have to foster 'a culture of multi-faceted excellence'. By giving recognition to a group of young role models, the award presentation ceremony today reveals our support of youth development."

     He commended the awardees for their outstanding performance in different areas, and for their leadership potential and dedication to serving the community. He hoped that the awardees could serve as role models and inspire their fellows to join together and build a better future for Hong Kong and the mother country.

     Mr Chan thanked the youth organisations for organising various activities in districts that had broadened youths' horizons and enriched their lives. He hoped that the Commendation Scheme could serve as a platform for exchanges, where districts could learn from one another and further enhance their services.

     By giving recognition to outstanding young people, the Commendation Scheme aims to encourage young people to set targets for their personal development and to actively take part in community building and social services, thus setting an example for their fellow youngsters.

     The young awardees were nominated by the 18 districts for the Open Category and the Secondary School Category. Four candidates with outstanding performance in the first-round interview and team activities were awarded the Stellar Accomplishment Award, the Youth Leadership Award, the Social Service Award or the Personal Breakthrough Award respectively.

     The final round entrants then met the judging panels of the Open Category and the Secondary School Category for the panels to decide on the awardees for Top 10 Outstanding Youths and Star of the Stars awards.

     The Outstanding Youth Activity Commendation Scheme was also organised to give recognition to innovative, purposeful and popular district youth programmes. The scheme hopes to encourage the organisation of more quality and effective activities to promote youth development in the districts.

     The award recipients of the 2013-14 Outstanding Youth Commendation Scheme and Outstanding Youth Activity Commendation Scheme are listed in the Annex.

Ends/Saturday, March 22, 2014
Issued at HKT 18:30