International conference launched to mark centenary of Government Laboratory (with photo)

     In celebration of its 100th anniversary, the Government Laboratory today (December 2) launched a four-day international conference bringing together distinguished experts in metrology, quality assurance, analytical chemistry and forensic science from around the world to share their innovative ideas, knowledge and latest scientific developments.

     Scientific sessions and workshops will be held for participants to discuss international collaborative efforts to strengthen and raise scientific standards, challenges faced by scientists worldwide and innovations to prepare for the future.

     Officiating at the opening ceremony of the conference, the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Ko Wing-man, said the conference provides an excellent platform for local and overseas scientists and experts to share their experience on the latest developments and challenges in the various fields of laboratory testing.

     Dr Ko noted that the Laboratory has made many achievements over the past century, developing itself from an organisation under the then Medical and Health Department with an initial establishment of one staff member to today's independent department with an establishment of over 450 people.

     "The Laboratory provides a very wide range of analytical, advisory and forensic services to various government departments, enabling them to meet their responsibilities for law and order, public health and safety, environmental protection and consumer protection and implementation of government policies.

     "A 24-hour emergency response service and round-the-clock urgent laboratory examination is provided to respond to emergency incidents and urgent investigations," he said.

     Last year, the Laboratory conducted over 670 000 tests in the fields of food safety, environmental monitoring, pharmaceuticals, Chinese medicine, consumer goods and children's products.

     "Quite a significant part of this was of an urgent nature, enabling concerned departments and bureaux to respond swiftly to incidents of public concern, like food incidents," Dr Ko added.

     The Laboratory also undertakes all forensic examinations related to law enforcement, handling about 18 000 cases per year.

      On the international stage, the Laboratory has actively organised comparisons and knowledge sharing activities, such as symposiums and conferences, for international, regional and local organisations in recent years in a number of fields such as metrology in chemistry, food safety, pharmaceutical testing and consumer protection.

     It also renders its support to the testing and certification sectors through the provision of proficiency testing programmes and developing certified reference materials for the local testing laboratories.

     "The high level of competency of the Laboratory is well-recognised worldwide. I am confident that it will scale new heights in providing our community with quality analytical, forensic and advisory services as well as in advancing measurement science and standards to progressively gain recognition internationally and regionally as an institute providing world-class scientific services," Dr Ko said.

Ends/Monday, December 2, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:04