Police urge public event participants to express their views peacefully and rationally

     Police appeal to participants of the public event being conducted outside the Broadcasting House, 30 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon Tong, to exercise restraint and stay calm, and to express their views in a rational and peaceful manner.  They should also listen to the instructions and advice of police officers and be co-operative. The Police commander at scene has deployed suitable manpower and implemented the most appropriate crowd safety and traffic safety management measures according to the prevailing situation and circumstances, so as to ensure public safety and public order and at the same time enable participants to express their views.

     During the public meeting, certain individuals ignored Police﷿s appeals and warnings, attempted to break through the Police﷿s cordon line and obstructed the entrance, causing danger to people at scene including vehicles entering and exiting thereat.  Police therefore took immediate resolute actions to minimise the impact upon public safety and public order.

     Police respect the public﷿s freedoms of expression, speech and assembly. It is the policy of Police to facilitate all lawful and peaceful public events while at the same time ensuring public safety and public order. Members of the public should also comply with the laws of Hong Kong and social order when expressing their views.

Police Report No. 155
Issued by PPRB

Ends/Saturday, November 16, 2013
Issued at HKT 14:39