SHA congratulates HK cycling athlete on winning gold medal at 12th National Games (with photos)

     The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, congratulated Miss Lee Wai-sze on winning a gold medal in Women's Cycling Track - Keirin at the 12th National Games held in Liaoning Province today (September 6).

     Mr Tsang said, "Following a bronze medal seized by Mr Chan Chun-hing in the men's mountain bike event, Miss Lee Wai-sze has won a gold medal for Hong Kong with her excellent skills and perseverance, which we all take pride in.

     "She has fully demonstrated her determination and true sportsmanship. Her outstanding performances definitely encourage other Hong Kong athletes to do their best in the rest of the Games."

     The Hong Kong delegation so far has won a gold medal, two silver medals and two bronze medals in the 12th National Games.

Ends/Friday, September 6, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:48