Appointment to Financial Dispute Resolution Centre welcomed

     The Government welcomes the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre's (FDRC) appointment of Mr Fred Kan as its Board Director following Ms Anna Wu Hung-yuk's resignation from the FDRC's Board. Mr Kan was nominated by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury.

     A government spokesman said, "We welcome Mr Kan to the FDRC's Board. Mr Kan has been an active member in the legal profession, and we are confident that he will contribute to the FDRC in further promoting the use of mediation services to financial consumers in Hong Kong.

     "We would also like to thank Ms Wu for her invaluable contribution to the smooth launch of the FDRC."

     The FDRC's Board of Directors is led by Ms Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah. Other members of the Board include Ms Julia Leung Fung-yee (representative from the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau), Ms Meena Datwani (representative from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority), Mr Mark Robert Steward (representative from the Securities and Futures Commission), Mr Brian Fung Wei-lung, Ms Connie Lau Yin-hing, Ms Barbara Shiu, and Ms Sou Chiam (the Chief Executive Officer of the FDRC).

Ends/Friday, September 6, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:40