SCED visits fashion industry organisation (with photos)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, today (September 5) visited the new office of Fashion Farm Foundation (FFF), which will provide a hub for fashion design practitioners to cluster, showcase innovative work, share experience and collaborate.

     The non-profit-making organisation was established in 2012 by a group of local fashion entrepreneurs and academics in the fashion and creative disciplines. The FFF aims at building a fashion community and fostering businesses through organising fashion events such as catwalk shows, exhibitions, overseas pop-up showrooms and design competitions.

     Mr So toured the new facility, which occupies two storeys and the rooftop of a newly renovated industrial building in Cheung Sha Wan. The owner of the industrial property sponsored the office space for use by the foundation to drive the growth of the local fashion design sector and support the fashion community.

     The new office of the FFF is expected to open by the end of this year.

     Mr So was glad to see the building up of a place for stakeholders in the fashion design field to cluster.

     "The creative working environment will help groom design talents and bring about a synergistic effect to facilitate the growth and development of the local fashion design industry," he said.

     After the visit, Mr So held a meeting with the Chairlady of the FFF, Ms Edith Law, and directors of FFF, namely Professor Raymond Au, Mr Alvin Yip and Ms Vanessa Lam. He exchanged views with them on the latest developments of the local fashion design and textiles and clothing industries.

     Mr So said that Create Hong Kong has been providing funding support to worthwhile projects that promote fashion design. Such projects include programmes which provide exposure for local independent emerging fashion designers and their works.

     "The Government will continue to promote the growth of the local fashion design industry, explore more opportunities and develop new strengths," he said.

Ends/Thursday, September 5, 2013
Issued at HKT 19:55