LegCo Members conduct site visit to Tai Pak Terrace and Sands Street in Western District (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     Five Legislative Council (LegCo) Members conducted a site visit to Tai Pak Terrace and Sands Street in Western District today (August 9) to follow up on a complaint case relating to the construction of barrier-free access to connect Tai Pak Terrace with the lift at Sands Street and the demand for setting up street lamps on the private lane of Tai Pak Terrace.

     Members visited Tai Pak Terrace in the morning to learn more about the views of the residents on the construction of barrier-free access. They received a briefing from a representative of the Home Affairs Department on the spot before holding a case conference with the Administration in the LegCo Complex to follow up on the case.  

     Members participating in the site visit included LegCo Redress System Duty Roster Member Dr Fernando Cheung (convener). Other Members who took part in the site visit were Mr Jasper Tsang, Mr Wong Kwok-hing, Ms Cyd Ho and Mr Sin Chung-kai.

Ends/Friday, August 9, 2013
Issued at HKT 16:25