LegCo Members meet with Consuls-General in Hong Kong (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Councilē­
     To enhance contact between Legislative Council (LegCo) Members and the diplomatic community in Hong Kong, a luncheon was organised today (June 3) in the LegCo Complex to provide opportunities for Members to make the acquaintance of consular officials and exchange views with them on the Council's work and matters of mutual concern.

     The luncheon was hosted by the President of LegCo, Mr Jasper Tsang, and was attended by Mr Tommy Cheung, Mr Alan Leong, Mr James Tien, Mr Wu Chi-wai, Mr Dennis Kwok, Dr Fernando Cheung, Dr Helena Wong, Mr Ip Kin-yuen, Dr Lo Wai-kwok and Mr Christopher Chung.

     A briefing was organised before the luncheon where the President briefed the Consuls-General on the work of LegCo. Sixteen Consuls-General or their representatives attended the briefing and luncheon.

Ends/Monday, June 3, 2013
Issued at HKT 18:59