SCMA to attend Hong Kong-Taipei inter-city forum in Taipei

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam, will visit Taipei from the afternoon of June 6 to June 7 to attend a Hong Kong-Taipei inter-city forum.

     Mr Tam will arrive in Taipei in the afternoon of June 6 to accompany the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, to attend the welcoming dinner hosted by the Mayor of Taipei City, Mr Hau Lung-bin. Mr Tam will give a closing address at the Hong Kong-Taipei inter-city forum in the morning of June 7. He will also meet with personnel in the Taiwan authorities in charge of Hong Kong-Taiwan relations in his capacity as the Executive Vice-Chairperson of the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council.

     Mr Tam will return to Hong Kong in the afternoon of June 7.

     During Mr Tam's absence, the Under Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, will be the Acting Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs.

     This inter-city forum is co-organised by the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office in Taiwan and the Taipei City Government, and will focus on the themes of "solid waste management" and "conservation and revitalisation of historical buildings". The forum will be attended by relevant senior officials and experts from Hong Kong and Taipei City.

Ends/Monday, June 3, 2013
Issued at HKT 18:10