Maritime Industry Council co-organises BIMCO Asia Shipping School (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Maritime Industry Council (MIC) and the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) are jointly holding the BIMCO Asia Shipping School 2013 in Hong Kong from today (June 3) until Friday (June 7).

     The intensive five-day course will give 26 participants from the shipping sectors of Hong Kong, the Mainland, other parts of Asia, Africa and Europe the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest developments of the shipping industry and to share practical shipping knowledge.

     Speaking at the opening ceremony of the course, the Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport), Ms Julina Chan, said, "The Financial Secretary has designated HK$100 million as a training fund to support the development of maritime and aviation transport. We are fully committed to assisting the industry in building a skilled and knowledge-based workforce.

     "It is this shared commitment on manpower training that brings the MIC and BIMCO together as close partners."

     Based in Denmark, BIMCO is a shipping organisation with about 2 300 company members in 123 countries, and is a leader in maritime education.

     The BIMCO Asia Shipping School has been held previously in Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Jakarta. It is the Asian equivalent of the BIMCO Summer Shipping School held annually in Copenhagen since 2002.

     In recent years, the MIC has teamed up with BIMCO to bring a series of courses to Hong Kong. Besides the BIMCO Asia Shipping School, they include "Check Before Fixing", "Masterclass Workshop on Time Charter" and "Using SHIPMAN 2009".

     This year's BIMCO Asia Shipping School covers general updates such as the sizes and types of ships and who's who in shipping and shipping organisations, as well as in-depth knowledge of topics like bills of lading, time charters, voyage charters, marine propulsion systems, port operations, marine insurance, ship management, ship buying and freight rates.

     The speakers are all senior experts from the maritime industry and the programme is complemented by case studies, social activities and a maritime excursion tour.

Ends/Monday, June 3, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:39