New booking arrangements for long holidays to be tried out at Pui O Campsite

     To enhance the management of the Pui O Campsite at Lantau, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will put in place new booking arrangements at the campsite for the coming Labour Day Golden Week holiday and two other popular Mainland long holidays, namely the National Day Golden Week and Lunar New Year.

     A spokesman for the department made the above announcement after consulting the District Facilities Management Committee of the Islands District Council today (March 11) and gained the Committee's support for the new measure.

     Pui O Campsite is a popular spot for campers. There are currently 52 camp bays for free use on a first-come, first-served basis. At present, no prior booking is needed. Members of the public who wish to use the facility will just have to register at the campsite office.

     "During the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, which was coincidentally also the Mainland's National Day Golden Week holiday, a large number of visitors had arrived to use the campsite facilities together with the local residents, thus causing serious overcrowding problems at the place," the spokesman explained.

     "In order to avoid recurrence of similar problems in the future and to allow holidaymakers to better plan their schedules, and having regard to existing similar booking arrangements made for non-fee-charging leisure facilities and holiday camps, we have decided to try out new booking arrangements at the Pui O Campsite for three Mainland long holiday periods," the spokesman added.

     During the three long holidays, Hong Kong residents can submit applications for the use of the camp bays one month in advance of using the facilities. If the number of bookings exceeds the camp bays available, the LCSD will allocate the camp bays by drawing lots. Each applicant can book only one camp bay for a maximum of four consecutive nights. If the camp bays are unfilled, members of the public can register for use at the campsite office on a first-come, first-served basis.

     Outside the above specified periods, the department will continue to adopt the current simple on-site registration arrangement to enable local residents as well as visitors to use the camp bays on a first-come, first-served basis without having to make prior booking.

     The spokesman stressed that the new booking and allocation arrangements would be introduced on a trial basis, adding that the department would closely monitor usage during the aforesaid periods and review the effectiveness of the new arrangements in due course.

     The new arrangements will be publicised via the department's website, press releases and notices at district leisure services offices and the Pui O Campsite.

Ends/Monday, March 11, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:15