Painting and calligraphy of Ou Da-wei to reveal ink's true colours (with photos)

     Ink art has long been seen as a simple case of "black and white". For Ou Da-wei, however, ink painting means countless possibilities and colours. By skillfully grading and layering different colours to convey the artwork's imagery, his latest solo exhibition reveals ink's impressive range of colour and versatility.

     Running from tomorrow (March 9) until March 19 at the Exhibition Hall in the Lower Block of Hong Kong City Hall, "Ink is Colour - The Art of Ou Da-wei" is the final exhibition in the Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme V series organised by the Art Promotion Office (APO) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department(LCSD). Showcasing more than 80 of Ou's recent artworks, including landscapes, calligraphy and seal carvings, this exhibition highlights the artist's wide-ranging talent.

     The exhibition was officially opened today by the Assistant Director (Heritage and Museums) of Leisure and Cultural Services, Dr Louis Ng; Director of the Chinese Civilisation Centre at the City University of Hong Kong, Professor Cheng Pei-kai; Mr Ou; and the Chief Curator of the Art Promotion Office, Dr Lesley Lau.

     Ou is well known in Hong Kong as an artist who demonstrates a unique style and personality in his landscape paintings, calligraphy works, seal carvings and classical poetry. Ou's works are collected by a number of museums in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Japan. He received Urban Council Fine Arts awards for Chinese calligraphy and seal carving at the Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial exhibitions in 1989 and 1998 respectively.  He also won the Hong Kong Art Development Council's Visual Art Development Award in 1998. In addition to publishing several catalogues of creative work he has also held many solo exhibitions over the years. He is now a part-time lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a museum expert advisor for the LCSD and an arts advisor and examiner with the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

     In this exhibition, Ou showcases works created over the past decade, many of which have been produced since the launch of the Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme in 2010. The works on display will showcase his enthusiastic and forwarded-looking artistic style.

     The integration of calligraphy, painting, seals and poetry mark a tradition in Chinese art. However, in his work, Ou deliberately adopts a new approach and strives for seamless integration. He favours the use of black and white for his landscapes while calligraphic strokes endow his artworks with intense emotion, spirit and charm. His calligraphic style in both seal carving and clerical script reflects solemnity and harmony, while his cursive script soars vividly like a bird in flight. With intricate designs and layouts, he applies his sophisticated seal carving techniques firmly and precisely to produce unique results. Ou often writes poems to accompany his paintings and calligraphy works, expressing his innermost feelings in simple words that often carry a profound meaning.   

     The exhibition takes place under the Design Partnership Scheme launched by the APO while acclaimed local designer Mr David Lo was engaged to provide support in visual image design. Through interaction and participation at different levels, the exhibition offers a new artistic experience for visitors.

     A Braille version of the exhibition pamphlet is available and free guided tours will also be offered to groups and schools. For bookings, please contact the APO's Community Art Team on 3101 2712 or 3101 2713.

     Some of the exhibits and new works will be selected for a second exhibition to be showcased at The Gallery of the Jao Tsung-I Academy from March 23 to April 6.

     Hong Kong City Hall is located at 5 Edinburgh Place, Central. It is open daily from 10am to 8pm. The Jao Tsung-I Academy is located at 800 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon. It is open daily from 10am to 6pm and is closed on Sundays. Admission to the exhibition is free.

     For details of the exhibition and related activities, visit the APO's webpage at .

Ends/Friday, March 8, 2013
Issued at HKT 19:01