SHA visits school to learn about School Sports Programme Coordinator pilot scheme (with photos)

     The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, visited Chinese YMCA College in Ma On Shan today (March 8) and met with the principal and the School Sports Programme Coordinator (SSPC) to learn about the progress of the SSPC pilot scheme being implemented in the school. Chinese YMCA College is one of the secondary schools participating in the pilot scheme.

     Mr Tsang was briefed by the principal, Mr Lin Chi-keung, on the school's overall sports development plan, including how to make use of the sports facilities in the school and in its vicinity to cultivate students' interest in sports, as well as to identify potential sports talents through various training programmes.

     Mr Tsang learned that the school joined the scheme last September. Since then, while it has developed a series of sports programmes, the number of students participating in sports is also on the rise. Apart from enjoying the fun of playing sports, the students have also become more proactive in learning.

     Mr Tsang later talked with the SSPC, Mr Samuel Leung, to understand his work in the school. A retired triathlon athlete, Mr Leung assists in the school's sports administration work and training programmes. He has also introduced new training modes in the school to help boost the physical capabilities of the sports team members. It has been observed that Mr Leung's effort has begun to show results within the short span of less than six months.

     Accompanied by Mr Leung, Mr Tsang watched the students practising handball and rugby as well as Total body Resistance eXercise. He was appreciative of Mr Leung's dedication in guiding and encouraging students to participate in different sport activities.

     Before concluding his visit, Mr Tsang exchanged views with students. He noted that he recognised the value of the scheme, adding that it is a win-win situation in which the schools, students and retired athletes all benefit.

     The SSPC pilot scheme, subvented by the Arts and Sport Development Fund, is jointly organised by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and co-organised by the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Sports Institute. It has been implemented since September last year on a trial basis for three years. At present, 14 secondary schools are participating in the scheme. These schools have been given additional resources to organise sports activities and employ SSPCs to help develop, co-ordinate and promote sports activities in the school campus.

Ends/Friday, March 8, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:35