Inmate attacks officers at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre

     A remand inmate attacked Correctional Services staff, causing injuries to three officers, at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre today (February 19).

     At about 8.30am, the male remand inmate, aged 49, turned emotional after attending a disciplinary hearing. He attacked one of the officers in the face and chest with his fists. Two other officers at the spot stopped the inmate but encountered serious resistance. The three officers subsequently subdued the inmate with the use of OC foam.

     The three officers and the inmate sustained injuries during the incident and were given medical treatment at the centre hospital. Two of the officers were transferred to a public hospital for further medical examination.
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     The case has been reported to the Police for investigation.

     The inmate was admitted for an offence of trafficking in dangerous drugs.

Ends/Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Issued at HKT 15:52