Special arrangements for Lunar New Year fireworks display

     Police will implement special crowd management and traffic arrangements on both sides of Victoria Harbour on February 11 to facilitate the public to watch the Lunar New Year fireworks display.

     To avoid overcrowding along the waterfronts on both sides of the harbour, a number of roads in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hung Hom, Central and Wan Chai will be closed or re-routed.

     Members of the public are urged to follow the advice and instructions given by Police officers who may direct spectators to leave from places which have already been overcrowded.

     They are also strongly advised to make full use of public transport for going to the waterfront areas and not to wait at the concourses and exits of MTR stations.

     Road closures and traffic diversions will be implemented in phases on the Kowloon side as follows:

(A) Phase One (from 6pm onwards)

Road closures:

1. A section of Hung Hom Bypass between Salisbury Road and Hung Hom Road;
2. A section of Princess Margaret Road Link between Metropolis Drive and Hung Hom Bypass;
3. A section of westbound Salisbury Road between Hong Chong Road and Kowloon Park Drive, as well as its elevated road;
4. A section of eastbound Salisbury Road between Kowloon Park Drive and Science Museum Road;
5. A U-turn slip-road outside Nikko Hotel leading from eastbound Salisbury Road to westbound Salisbury Road;
6. Mody Lane;
7. Hong Wan Path;
8. A section of Canton Road between Kowloon Park Drive and Salisbury Road;
9. Southbound Kowloon Park Drive and a section of Salisbury Road between Star Ferry and Kowloon Park Drive will be restricted for the use of franchised buses and green minibuses (GMBs) only;
10. Ashley Road;
11. Hankow Road;
12. Lock Road;
13. A section of northbound Nathan Road between Bowring Street and Salisbury Road;
14. A section of southbound Nathan Road between Granville Road and Salisbury Road;
15. A section of Granville Road between Nathan Road and Carnarvon Road will be re-routed to one-way eastbound;
16. A section of Carnarvon Road between Nathan Road and Granville Road;
17. Bristol Avenue;
18. Hanoi Road;
19. Hart Avenue;
20. Minden Row;
21. Blenheim Avenue;
22. Middle Road;
23. Hau Fook Street;
24. Cameron Lane;
25. Cameron Road;
26. Prat Avenue;
27. Humphreys Avenue;
28. Peking Road;
29. Haiphong Road;
30. A section of Mody Road between Chatham Road South and Nathan Road;
31. A section of westbound Mody Road between Chatham Road South and Science Museum Road;
32. Minden Avenue;
33. A section of northbound Chatham Road South between Granville Road and Salisbury Road;
34. A section of southbound Chatham Road South between Mody Road and Salisbury Road;
35. A section of Granville Road between Chatham Road South and Science Museum Road will be re-routed to one way eastbound and restricted for the use of franchised buses and GMBs only;
36. Granville Square;
37. Science Museum Path;
38. An unnamed access road between Austin Road West and West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade; and
39. Ichang Street.

Traffic diversions:

1. Vehicles along southbound Hung Hom Road will be directed to Cheong Tung Road South roundabout via Hung Hom Bypass;
2. Vehicles along eastbound Metropolis Drive cannot turn right to southbound Hung Hom Bypass;
3. Vehicles along southbound Princess Margaret Road Link will be diverted to turn right to westbound Metropolis Drive;
4. Vehicles along eastbound Mody Road cannot enter Mody Lane;
5. Franchised buses along southbound Nathan Road will be diverted to turn right to either westbound Public Square Street or westbound Jordan Road;
6. Franchised buses along southbound Chatham Road South will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Granville Road;
7. Vehicles along southbound Canton Road will be diverted to U-turn to northbound Canton Road outside China Hong Kong City;
8. Vehicles along northbound Kowloon Park Drive cannot turn to southbound Canton Road;
9. Vehicles along southbound Nathan Road will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Granville Road;
10. Vehicles along southbound Chatham Road South cannot turn right to westbound Cameron Road;
11. Vehicles along southbound Chatham Road South will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Mody Road;
12. Vehicles along Science Museum Road cannot turn to westbound Mody Road; and
13. Vehicles along Hong Tat Path cannot turn to Science Museum Path.

(B) Phase Two (from 6.30pm onwards)

Road closures:

1. Kowloon Park Drive;
2. A section of Salisbury Road between Canton Road and Kowloon Park Drive; and
3. Star Ferry Bus Terminus.

Traffic diversions:

     All franchised buses and GMBs cannot enter southbound Kowloon Park Drive.

(C) Phase Three (from 7pm onwards)

Road closures:

1. A section of Austin Road West between Wui Man Road and Nga Cheung Road;
2. Nga Cheung Road flyover between podium level Private Road (North) of Kowloon Station and its exit on Austin Road West;
3. A section of Lin Cheung Road between Jordan Road and Austin Road West;
4. A section of Nga Cheung Road between ground level Station Perimeter Road (South) and Austin Road West; and
5. Kin Wan Street.

Traffic diversions:

1. Vehicles along westbound Austin Road West will be diverted to turn right to northbound Wui Man Road;
2. Vehicles along southbound Nga Cheung Road will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Station Perimeter Road (South);
3. Vehicles along westbound Station Perimeter Road (South) will be diverted to turn right to northbound Nga Cheung Road;
4. Vehicles along southbound Nga Cheung Road flyover will be diverted to turn left to eastbound podium level Private Road (North) of Kowloon Station;
5. Vehicles along westbound podium level Private Road (North) of Kowloon Station will be diverted to turn right to northbound Nga Cheung Road flyover;
6. Vehicles along southbound Wui Man Road will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Austin Road West; and
7. Vehicles along eastbound and westbound of Hung Luen Road cannot turn to Kin Wan Street.

(D) Phase Four (from 8pm onwards)

Road closures:

1. Wui Man Road;
2. A section of Austin Road West between Wui Man Road and Canton Road;
3. A section of northbound Nathan Road between Jordan Road and Bowring Street;
4. A section of southbound Nathan Road between Jordan Road and Granville Road;
5. Pine Tree Hill Road;
6. A section of Carnarvon Road between Kimberley Road and Granville Road;
7. Shun Yee Street;
8. Granville Circuit;
9. A section of northbound Chatham Road South between Observatory Road and Granville Road;
10. A section of Bowring Street between Pilkem Street and Nathan Road;
11. A section of Tak Shing Street between Nathan Road and Tak Hing Street;
12. Hillwood Road;
13. Kimberley Road between Nathan Road and Observatory Road;
14. Kimberley Street;
15. A section of Granville Road between Nathan Road and Chatham Road South;
16. A section of southbound Chatham Road South between Cheong Wan Road and Mody Road, except for franchised buses and GMBs;
17. A section of eastbound Mody Road between Chatham Road South and Science Museum Road;
18. Mody Square; and
19. A section of westbound Salisbury Road between Hong Chong Road and Science Museum Road.

Traffic diversions:

1. Vehicles along westbound Wui Cheung Road cannot turn to Wui Man Road;
2. Vehicles along southbound Road D1A(S) will be diverted to turn left to eastbound Wui Cheung Road;
3. Vehicles along northbound Canton Road and westbound Austin Road cannot turn to westbound Austin Road West;
4. Vehicles along southbound Nathan Road will be diverted to turn right to westbound Jordan Road;
5. Vehicles along westbound Jordan Road cannot turn left to southbound Nathan Road;
6. Vehicles along westbound Austin Road and southbound Cox﷿s Road cannot turn to Pine Tree Hill Road;
7. Vehicles along Observatory Road cannot turn to westbound Kimberley Street;
8. Vehicles along westbound Cheong Wan Road cannot turn left to southbound Chatham Road South;
9. Vehicles along southbound Chatham Road South will be diverted to westbound Austin Road or eastbound Cheong Wan Road;
10. Vehicles along northbound Pilkem Street cannot turn to eastbound Bowring Street;
11. Vehicles along eastbound Bowring Street will be diverted to northbound Pilkem Street; and
12. Vehicles along westbound Salisbury Road cannot turn right to Science Museum Road and will be diverted to northbound Hong Chong Road.

(E) Public Transport

     All franchised buses terminus, bus stops, GMBs stops within the operational areas will be suspended. Bus stops will be re-located to To Wah Road Bus Terminus or Granville Road Tsim Sha Tsui East Temporary Bus Terminus. Details are as follow:

1. Mody Road Public Transport Interchange will be suspended at 6pm;
2. Franchised buses on southbound Nathan Road will be truncated/ diverted to westbound Public Square Street or westbound Jordan Road at 6pm;
3. All franchised buses along southbound Chatham Road South will be diverted to eastbound Granville Road at 6pm where a temporary bus terminus will be set-up;
4. Star Ferry Bus Terminus will be suspended at 6.30pm; and
5. Depending on the crowd situation, bus services outside China Hong Kong City on Canton Road will become circular route and all temporary bus stops will be suspended.

(F) Hotel access

     The vehicular access to and from hotels in the affected areas will not be allowed during the period of road closure.

(G) Car park access

     Car parks in the affected areas will be closed at the same time when the respective phase of road closure commences and will remain closed as long as the road closure is effective.

(H) On-street parking

     With effect from 3pm to midnight on February 11, all on-street parking spaces in the southern area of Tsim Sha Tsui (south of Austin Road and Cheong Wan Road), and the metered parking spaces at the Waterfront Promenade at Yau Ma Tei will be suspended. All illegally parked vehicles will be towed away.

(I) Crowd management measures in Tsim Sha Tsui

1. Spectators can stand along the promenade of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, the Avenue of Stars, the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, Hung Hom Bypass and the Hung Hom Promenade to watch the spectacular. The public car park on West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade will be closed during the road closure period and members of the public who wish to watch the spectacular at West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade are urged to use public transport.

2. Road closure will be implemented by phases starting from 6pm. Majority of roads in Tsim Sha Tsui area will be pedestrianised. Vehicles are also prohibited to enter the emergency vehicles access which include westbound Salisbury Road (Hung Hom Bypass inclusive), a section of southbound Chatham Road South between Austin Road and Salisbury Road, southbound Kowloon Park Drive, a section of eastbound Austin Road West between Lin Cheung Road and Nga Cheung Road, a section of southbound Nga Cheung Road between Station Perimeter Road (South) and Austin Road West, an unnamed access road leading to West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, and Kin Wan Street and a section of eastbound Hung Luen Road between Hung Hom Bypass and Kin Wan Street.

3. Members of the public who want to cross Salisbury Road are advised to use either the crossing at the junction of Salisbury Road and Canton Road, or subways on Nathan Road, Kowloon Park Drive and outside the Sogo Department Store.

4. There are a number of road works and construction sites in various Tsim Sha Tsui areas. Spectators are advised not to approach areas with road works and not to attempt to climb or lean against the hoarding/fence.

5. The Kowloon Public Pier will be closed in case it is overcrowded for the sake of public safety. Marine Department will also implement marine traffic control measures which will affect berthing of vessels at the pier for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers thereat. Vessel operators should pay attention to the associated Marine Department Notice.

6. Spectators should follow police advice and pay attention to posters and loudspeaker broadcasts on that night.

     Traffic arrangements to be implemented on Hong Kong Island are as follows:

(A) Road closure and traffic diversions before the display

     The slip road leading from Garden Road to the office of World Wild Fund for Nature Hong Kong outside Lower Peak Tram Station will be closed to all vehicular traffic from 4pm onwards except for franchised buses and taxis until the crowd disperses.

From 6.30pm onwards:

Wan Chai North
1. Performing Arts Avenue;
2. Eastbound Fenwick Pier Street and a section of westbound Fenwick Pier Street between Fenwick Pier Street flyover and eastbound Gloucester Road;
3. Lung King Street;
4. A section of northbound Fenwick Street between Gloucester Road and Harbour Road;
5. A section of eastbound Harbour Road between Fenwick Street and Tonnochy Road;
6. Expo Drive;
7. Expo Drive Central;
8. Expo Drive East;
9. Convention Avenue;
10. Fleming Road flyover;
11. A section of Fleming Road between Harbour Road and Convention Avenue;
12. Tonnochy Road between eastbound Harbour Road and Hung Hing Road;
13. A section of Marsh Road between Gloucester Road and Hung Hing Road;
14. Marsh Road flyover;
15. Hung Hing Road;
16. Hung Hing Road flyover;
17. Wan Shing Street;
18. Wan Ying Street; and
19. The access road at eastbound Victoria Park Road leading to Causeway Bay Promenade.

Wan Chai South

1. A section of Marsh Road between Hennessy Road and Lockhart Road;
2. A section of Tonnochy Road between Hennessy Road and Lockhart Road; and
3. A section of northbound Percival Street between Jaffe Road and Gloucester Road service road may be closed if necessary. When this section is closed, vehicles on eastbound Jaffe Road must turn right to southbound Percival Street.

From 7pm onwards:

Peak area

1. The uphill section of Stubbs Road beyond Stubbs Road roundabout will be closed to all goods vehicles with a gross weight exceeding 5.5 tonnes;
2. All uphill traffic along Peak Road towards Harlech Road, Lugard Road, Barker Road and Mount Austin Road will be diverted downhill via the slip road beside the car park entry at the Peak Galleria, except for local residents﷿ vehicles or vehicles with permits; and
3. Lay-bys along Stubbs Road between Peak Road and Stubbs Road roundabout and a section of Magazine Gap Road between Peak Road and May Road will be suspended.


1. Tim Mei Avenue;
2. Lung Wui Road;
3. Lung Wo Road, except for People﷿s Liberation Army (PLA) vehicles;
4. Tim Wa Avenue, except for PLA vehicles;
5. Legislative Council Road;
6. Edinburgh Place east and north of City Hall between Lung Wo Road and Connaught Road Central, except for PLA vehicles and vehicles leaving from City Hall Car Park;
7. Yiu Sing Street;
8. Star Ferry Concourse;
9. Loading and unloading area outside Central Ferry Piers, 7, 8 and 9;
10. A section of Chung Kong Road between Shun Tak Centre and Rumsey Street;
11. Man Kwong Street;
12. Man Chiu Street;
13. Man Fai Street;
14. A section of Man Yiu Street between Man Kwong Street and Man Cheung Street;
15. Rumsey Street flyover extension leading to Man Po Street; and
16. Finance Street.

     The following traffic arrangements will be implemented when necessary in short notice:

1. A section of Gloucester Road service road between Percival Street and Canal Road West will be closed;
2. Vehicles on westbound Gloucester Road cannot enter Gloucester Road service road at its junction with O'Brien Road; and
3. A section of southbound Percival Street between Gloucester Road service road and Lockhart Road will be closed. When this section is closed, vehicles on eastbound Jaffe Road will be diverted via Canal Road West to Gloucester Road service road.

From 7.45pm onwards:

Wan Chai North

1. Tonnochy Road flyover and a section of northbound Tonnochy Road between Gloucester Road and Harbour Road;
2. A section of westbound Harbour Road between northbound Tonnochy Road and southbound Fleming Road, a section of westbound Harbour Road between northbound Fleming Road and southbound Fenwick Street, westbound Fenwick Pier Street, and Fenwick Pier Street flyover; and
3. Sections of Fleming Road and southbound Fenwick Street between Gloucester Road and westbound Harbour Road.

From 7.55pm onwards:

1. Traffic on westbound Island Eastern Corridor between Victoria Park Road and Man Hong Street will be diverted except for franchised buses;
2. Vehicles travelling along westbound Island Eastern Corridor will be diverted to Man Hong Street; and
3. Slip roads leading to westbound Island Eastern Corridor from Healthy Street Central and Tong Shui Road will be closed.

(B) Arrangements after the fireworks display

     To facilitate the dispersal of the crowd after the fireworks display, the following roads will be closed 15 minutes before the completion of the display:
1. A section of Fleming Road between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road;
2. Sections of Lockhart Road and Jaffe Road between Percival Street and Luard Road;
3. O﷿Brien Road and Stewart Road;
4. Sections of Tonnochy Road and Marsh Road between Gloucester Road and Lockhart Road; and
5. Sections of Canal Road West and Canal Road East between Gloucester Road and Hennessy Road.

(C) Suspension of parking spaces

1. All parking spaces on the slip road outside Lower Peak Tram Station will be suspended from 2pm to 10pm;
2. All parking spaces on the following locations will be suspended from 4pm to 10pm:
(a) Lung King Street, Hung Hing Road and Expo Drive East;
(b) Edinburgh Place;
(c) Gloucester Road service road, Canal Road East and Tonnochy Road;
(d) A section of Stewart Road between Jaffe Road and Gloucester Road service road;
(e) The northern kerbside lane of Jaffe Road between Fleming Road and Stewart Road;
(f) A section of Marsh Road between Hennessy Road and Lockhart Road; and
(g) Sections of Jaffe Road and Lockhart Road between Percival Street and Luard Road; and
3. All parking meters at Victoria Peak Garden and Mount Austin Road will be suspended from 6pm to 10pm.

(D) Suspension of taxi, public light bus (PLB) and GMB stands

1. Taxi stand on the slip road outside Lower Peak Tram Station will be suspended from 4pm to 10pm. A temporary taxi stand will be designated at the lay-by on Garden Road outside St. John﷿s Building;
2. Taxi stands on Expo Drive East, Harbour Road and the Wan Chai Ferry Pier Transport Interchange will be suspended from 6.30pm until the road closure is lifted;
3. Taxi stands on Man Kwong Street, Edinburgh Place, a section of Jaffe Road between Percival Street and Canal Road East, sections of Lockhart Road near O'Brien Road and at the junction with Marsh Road, Stewart Road and Tonnochy Road will be suspended from 6.30pm to 10pm;
4. The PLB stand on Lockhart Road near Canal Road West will be suspended from 7pm to 10pm; and
5. GMB stands at Edinburgh Place, a section of Man Kwong Street outside Central Ferry Pier, Hong Kong Station GMB Terminus, sections of Lockhart Road and Jaffe Road east of Percival Street, Cannon Street and Stewart Road will be suspended from 7pm to 10pm.

(E) Suspension of car parks

1. Vehicles parked in car parks within the above closed areas will not be permitted to leave or enter the car parks during the road closure until the roads are re-opened for traffic; and
2. The car parks on a section of westbound Gloucester Road between Paterson Street and Percival Street will be closed at short notice if necessary.

Police Report No. 165

Ends/Thursday, February 7, 2013
Issued at HKT 13:51