New appointment to Economic Development Commission

     The Government announced today (January 25) that the Chief Executive (CE) has appointed Mr Antony Nigel Tyler to the Economic Development Commission. The appointment is effective from today to January 16, 2015.

     The terms of reference of the Commission are to provide visionary direction and advice to the Government on the overall strategy and policy to broaden Hong Kong's economic base and to enhance Hong Kong's economic growth and development, and in particular to explore and identify growth sectors or clusters of sectors which present opportunities for Hong Kong's further economic growth and recommend possible policy and other support for these industries.

     The CE will chair the Commission, under which four Working Groups on Transportation; Convention and Exhibition Industries and Tourism; Manufacturing Industries, Innovative Technology, and Cultural and Creative Industries; and Professional Services have been formed to study specific industries in an in-depth manner.

     With the appointment of Mr Tyler, the Commission now comprises 23 non-official members and four ex-officio members.

Ends/Friday, January 25, 2013
Issued at HKT 16:30