Police issue Letter of No Objection to July 1 public event

     Police today (June 15) have issued the Letter of No Objection to the organiser of the public meeting and public procession to be held on Hong Kong Island (from Victoria Park to Central Government Complex) on July 1.

     In order to assist the organiser to conduct the event in a safe and orderly manner, Police have actively liaised with the organiser and both parties have agreed on the detailed arrangements of the event, including opening all westbound lanes of the procession route, except the tramways which will serve as the emergency vehicular access, for the procession.

     The conditions imposed on this notifiable public event have been uploaded onto the Police website (www.police.gov.hk) for public viewing.

     Members of the public are advised to cooperate with the organiser﷿s marshals and take heed of the instructions of the Police. Details of the crowd management measures and traffic arrangements will be announced at the end of this month.

     Police have all along been committed to assisting the public to conduct public events peacefully. At the same time, we have the responsibilities to ensure public order and public safety by all effective measures. We will discharge our duties in an impartial manner and strive to facilitate the orderly and safe conduct of public events.

Police report no. 277

Ends/Friday, June 15, 2012
Issued at HKT 20:33