SFH on avian influenza and Legionnaires' Disease

     Following is the transcript of remarks (English portion) made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, after attending a public function this afternoon (January 10):

Reporter: (On avian influenza and Legionnaires' Disease)

Secretary for Food and Health: For the first question regarding avian flu, the risk of avian flu, particularly for birds and poultry, is always high in winter time. I think this year is no exception. So we have to be very vigilant regarding testing of dead birds as well as monitoring our farms and our live poultry in the farms, wholesale markets as well as the retail markets.

     But in general, I think if we keep on the same policy we have, that is we do not allow any live chickens in the retail level to stay overnight, and with the vigilant monitoring of our farms, wholesale markets and also across the border, I think the chance of having human infection actually in Hong Kong is still not as high as other countries. So I think we have a very good mechanism in ensuring that this is safe.

     Regarding Legionnaires' Disease, it is well proven that just testing the Legionella bacteria in the water is actually rarely used in terms of monitoring the situation. It is more important to monitor the general water quality and also particularly the chlorine level of water in our taps on a regular basis, because the chlorine will deactivate and kill the bacteria. So this is a much easier and much more cost effective way of monitoring the water quality.

 (Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Issued at HKT 18:05