High-level conference entitled "A Breakthrough in Brand Awareness Strategies for the Mainland Domestic Market"

     A high-level conference entitled "A Breakthrough in Brand Awareness Strategies for the Mainland Domestic Market" will be held on December 1 (Thursday). Well-known Hong Kong entrepreneurs with rich experience in domestic sales and online marketing experts will share with small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) their successful experiences in building brands to tap into the Mainland market, as well as strategies to make effective use of online platforms in marketing.

     The conference, divided into two sessions, is being jointly organised by the Trade and Industry Department and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). In the first session, the Chairman of A-Fontane Group Ltd, Dr David Hui, and the Director and Chief Officer (Business Development) of Taipan Bread & Cakes Company Ltd, Mr Garic Kwok, will deliver keynote speeches entitled "A-Fontane Road to Success" and "Taipan's China Business Experience - A Revelation and Breakthrough for Hong Kong SMEs" respectively.

     The second session will be the workshop entitled "Effective Branding through Online Platforms: Social Media, Group Purchase and Online Shop". Speakers will include the Chief Executive Officer of Groupon Hong Kong, Mr Danny Yeung; the Business Director of AsiaPac Net Media Ltd, Mr Daniel Chan; the Director of Guru Online, Mr Alan Yip; and the Head of Marketplace Development of eBay Hong Kong, Ms Michelle Leung.

     This high-level conference is one of the highlights of the annual World SME Expo, which aims at providing a platform for service providers to promote their services and business solutions to SMEs, and to help SMEs explore international market opportunities.

     The conference will be held from 2.15pm to 5.30pm in Seminar Room E, Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. It will be conducted in Cantonese and English (with simultaneous English and Putonghua interpretation). Admission is free.

     Interested parties are invited to register with the HKTDC (Tel: 1830 668) and seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please visit the HKTDC website (worldsmeexpo.hktdc.com) for details and online registration.

Ends/Friday, November 18, 2011
Issued at HKT 11:01