Anti-illegal Road Racing Operation

     Police have conducted a territory-wide operation on November 12 to combat illegal road racing activities.

     During the operation, Police have arrested three people for dangerous driving, driving under the influence of drugs, uttering forged documents and using a motor vehicle without third party insurance respectively. Nineteen vehicles were detained for examination and 14 summonses and 153 Fixed Penalty Tickets were issued for various traffic offences. In addition, 107 speeding violations were detected by speed detection devices.  

     Police also breath tested 461 drivers during the operation. Among them, three drivers were unable to pass the screening breath tests and were arrested. Two of them were found to have proportions of alcohol in their breath exceeded the prescribed limit and would be charged with the offence.

     Police remind motorists not to participate in illegal road racing activities and not to drive after consuming alcohol. Offenders who were convicted of either offence will be liable to a fine and imprisonment.

Police Report No. 141
Issued by PPRB

Ends/Monday, November 14, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:35