Third batch of enterprises recognised as Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners (with photos)

     A total of 113 Hong Kong-owned manufacturing enterprises, six sourcing enterprises and 20 environmental technology service providers were recognised as "Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners" today (October 27).  

     The enterprises received the commendation at a presentation ceremony for the Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners Recognition Scheme in Hong Kong. This was the third batch of enterprises to be commended under the scheme, which is jointly organised by Hong Kong's Environment Bureau (HKENB) and the Economic and Information Commission of Guangdong Province (GDEIC).  

     Officiating at the presentation ceremony, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, said, "Promoting cleaner production by enterprises is one of the key initiatives of Hong Kong-Guangdong co-operation on improving the environment in the region."

     He said HKENB and GDEIC jointly launched the five-year Cleaner Production Partnership Programme in April 2008 to encourage and assist Hong Kong-owned factories in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in pursuing cleaner production practices.  

     "To further our efforts in promoting cleaner production, HKENB and GDEIC jointly launched the Hong Kong ﷿ Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners Recognition Scheme in August 2009 to give recognition to the efforts of Hong Kong-owned factories and commercial enterprises in pursuing cleaner production," he added.

     Also attending the ceremony today were the Director-General of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilisation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Mr Zhou Changyi, and the Vice-Director of GDEIC, Ms Bi Zhijian. About 400 representatives from governments, trades and industries in both Hong Kong and Guangdong were also present.

     "The Cleaner Production Partnership Programme has mobilised a wide participation of various sectors of the Hong Kong community, including Hong Kong enterprises, trade and industry associations and environmental technology service providers. It has effectively incentivised Hong Kong enterprises in adopting cleaner production technologies, and goes a long way in helping to protect the regional environment as well as promote sustainable economic development," said Mr Zhou.

     Under the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme, the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), in conjunction with environmental technology service providers in Hong Kong and Guangdong, offers professional advice and technical support to Hong Kong-owned factories in the PRD region to encourage and assist them in adopting cleaner production technologies and practices.  By reducing emissions and enhancing energy efficiency, participating factories can contribute to improving regional air quality.  In response to the feedback from industries, the coverage of the Programme was widened in 2010 to include the provision of professional advice and technical support to factories in the treatment and reduction of effluent discharges.

     So far, about 1,600 funding applications have been approved and about 240 awareness promotion activities organised under the Programme.  

     Under the Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners Recognition Scheme, Hong Kong-owned enterprises actively participating in the Programme and achieving good results will be recognised as "Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners (Manufacturing)". The recognition is presented by the Hong Kong and Guangdong governments to encourage them to sustain efforts in pursuing cleaner production .

     In addition, sourcing enterprises which have actively encouraged their Hong Kong-owned factory suppliers to adopt cleaner production will be recognised as "Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners (Supply Chain)".

     Environmental technology service providers which have made commendable efforts in promoting the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme and providing good services to the Programme participants will be recognised as "Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partner (Technology Service)".

     More details of the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme and the Hong Kong - Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners Recognition Scheme are available on the HKPC's cleaner production website:

Ends/Thursday, October 27, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:10