CE's speech at National Day reception (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech (English translation) by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, delivered at the National Day reception in celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this morning (October 1):

Distinguished guests and friends,

     Sixty-two years ago, after a century of humiliation and suffering, the People﷿s Republic of China was established with the proclamation that 䩕the Chinese people have stood up蒅.  With resolve and perseverance against all odds, the Chinese people pulled together to rebuild the nation from debilitation and destitution.

     The course of history was tortuous, but the road ahead is bright.  Today: 䩕the Chinese people have stood up蒅, is more a globally recognised fact than a proud proclamation. In the peaceful rise of the country, China has seen phenomenal progress in its economy, people﷿s livelihood, industry and technology, culture and sports, and many other areas.  Our influence in the international arena continues to grow.  The successful launch of the country﷿s first space lab module Tiangong-1 two days ago once again demonstrated that the Chinese aerospace science and technology has reached world standard.

     Amid the fear that Europe and the US might fall back into recession, China has become the focus of the world﷿s attention.  My visit to Europe last month made me realise even more how much the centre of global power has shifted to the East and to Asia.

     Leveraging on the Mainland and engaging globally, Hong Kong is vigilant on current issues around the world.  As our nation﷿s international financial centre, Hong Kong keeps a particularly close eye on events in the financial world and makes every effort to support the country﷿s steady development.

     A few weeks ago, Vice Premier Li Keqiang visited Hong Kong and announced a series of new measures to further enhance Hong Kong-Mainland co-operation.  Many of these measures are formulated to give full play to Hong Kong﷿s unique strengths.  As the Vice Premier said, the new measures will allow Hong Kong to make irreplaceable contributions to our nation.  This serves the needs of Hong Kong and the country as a whole.  Our ability to seize opportunities and to keep up with the times has always been our key to success.  We have a more important role to play in the country﷿s 12th Five-Year Plan, and this is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss.

     New challenges emerge at various stages of development in society.  It requires us to join hands and put our heads together to discuss ways to resolve issues.  While housing, the wealth gap and an ageing population are prime concerns of the community, I will make the best of the opportunity to lay out practical measures to address these issues in my final Policy Address.

     On this joyful occasion of the National Day, let us seize the new opportunities and exert our full strength to build a better, brighter future.  Now, please join me in a toast: To the prosperity of Hong Kong and our country.

Ends/Saturday, October 1, 2011
Issued at HKT 10:00