SCMA speaks to the media

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, and the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor KC Chan, attended the forum organised by the office of Legislative Council member Paul Chan this evening (September 7) to listen to the views of participants on the consultation paper issued by the Government on the arrangements for filling vacancies in the Legislative Council. Following is the transcript of Mr Lam's remarks to the media after the forum (English portion):

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs: We have just finished the consultation session organised by Hon Paul Chan with the accountancy sector participants. Whilst the majority of questions raised today reflects that participants would like to retain the status quo, I should point out that according to opinion polls and other consultation sessions that we have participated in, there is still a strong body of opinion which expects the Government to amend the relevant legislation to plug this loophole.

     On the part of the Administration, we will present a very full consultation report after the two-month consultation period has been completed. This consultation report will reflect very fully all the letters, emails that we have received, the views and opinion papers presented by different organisations and sectors, and also the opinion polls which we have come across during this two-month period. We do not rule out the possibility of having to make adjustments to the original package put to the Legislative Council and we shall make that judgement after we have completed a review of the views we have received.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Issued at HKT 22:32