LegCo Panel on Manpower begins its duty visit to Korea

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Manpower departed for Korea today (July 24) to begin its five-day overseas duty visit.

     The purpose of the visit is for members to study the experience of Korea in the implementation of standard working hours. During the visit, the delegation will study the Korean Government policy on standard working hours, the enforcement and monitoring mechanism for the implementation of standard working hours, the impact of standard working hours on the business environment and the labour market, and measures adopted by the Korean Government to address issues of concern or problems arising from the implementation of standard working hours.

     During its stay in Korea, the delegation will meet with the Environment and Labour Committee of the National Assembly, the Ministry of Employment and Labour, research institute, tripartite bodies as well as major labour unions and employers' associations.

     The itinerary of the visit is as follows:
July 24 (Sunday)
Evening    Arrive at Seoul

July 25 (Monday)
10am       Meeting with Ministry of Employment
           and Labour

3pm        Meeting with Chairman and Members of the
           Environment and Labour Committee of the
           National Assembly

July 26 (Tuesday)
10am       Meeting with Korea Labour Foundation

2pm        Meeting with Korea Labour Institute

4.30pm     Meeting with Federation of Korean Trade

July 27  (Wednesday)
10.30am    Meeting with Economic and Social
           Development Commission

2.30pm     Meeting with Korean Confederation of
           Trade Unions

July 28 (Thursday)
10.30am    Meeting with Korea Employers Federation

Evening    Depart for Hong Kong

     The delegation is led by Hon Lee Cheuk-yan, Chairman of the Panel on Manpower, and comprises 10 members: Hon Li Fung-ying, Hon Leung Yiu-chung, Hon Cheung Kwok-che, Hon Wong Kwok-kin, Hon Ip Wai-ming, Dr Hon Pan Pey-chyou and Hon Leung Kwok-hung (Panel members), and Hon Emily Lau Wai-hing, Dr Hon Leung Ka-lau and Hon Wong Yuk-man (non-Panel Members).

Ends/Sunday, July 24, 2011
Issued at HKT 15:01