Special operation against human-smuggling activities

     Six people have been apprehended in connection with forged travel documents and human-smuggling activities in a special operation conducted by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, a spokesperson said today (June 3).

     In the past week, immigration investigators spot-checked a total of 553 target flights, 70 ferries and more than 1 200 profiled passengers at Hong Kong International Airport. A number of residential flats were also raided. As a result, four users of forged documents were apprehended, and three questionable passports and one questionable visa were seized. In addition, two Hong Kong residents were arrested for suspected involvement in the illegal transfer of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports.

     The special operation was aimed at detecting forged travel documents and users of forged documents in order to prevent human-smuggling activities.

Ends/Friday, June 3, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:00