HA activates contingency response

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     In view of recent outbreak of E. coli-O104 infection in Germany, the Central Committee on Infectious Disease and Emergency Responses of the Hospital Authority (HA) this afternoon (June 3) convened a special meeting, joined by representatives from the Centre for Health Protection (CHP), to discuss the contingency response measures of public hospitals. The following key measures will be implemented with immediate effect:

* HA will enhance the monitoring and reporting of suspected patient cases in close collaboration with the CHP.

* The front-line units of public hospitals including the infection control team, accident and emergency departments and general outpatient clinics have been notified to step up surveillance and reporting of symptomatic cases according to stipulated clinical guidelines.

* Public hospitals will work closely with the Public Health Laboratory Centre of the Department of Health to arrange appropriate clinical tests for symptomatic patients with travel history who will be admitted for observation and treatment if clinically indicated.

* Infection control measures and clinical management guidelines were also discussed and formulated.

     The HA will continue to closely collaborate with CHP to monitor developments and keep the general public and professionals posted of the most up-to-date situation and relevant information. The measures concerned will be reviewed at an appropriate time.

Ends/Friday, June 3, 2011
Issued at HKT 21:25