Counterfeit banknote syndicate leader returned to Hong Kong (with photo)

     A 48-year-old man, suspected to be the leader of a cross-boundary counterfeit HK banknote manufacturing syndicate, was returned by the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau (PSB) to the Hong Kong Police (HKP) through Huanggang Boundary Control Point today (April 15).

     The suspect was believed to be in connection with a case of "passing counterfeit banknotes" occurred in 2008. At the time, the HKP and Shenzhen PSB mounted a joint operation targeting a cross-boundary counterfeit HK banknote manufacturing syndicate. Two male HK residents aged 35 and 38 were later arrested in June and July 2008 by HKP for passing counterfeit notes for payment of prostitution services and purchase of grocery items in HK. Fifteen counterfeit banknotes, including HKD 500 and HKD 100 banknotes, were seized. The two males were subsequently convicted and sentenced to 26 months' and 6 months' imprisonment respectively.

     Extensive investigations by Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) led to the identification of the 48-year-old suspect who was believed to be the syndicate leader. With the assistance of the Shenzhen PSB, the suspect was arrested on the Mainland and handed over to CCB officers at Huanggang today.

     Active investigations by the CCB are underway. The man is being detained for further enquiries.

Police Report No. 10

Ends/Friday, April 15, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:33