HKMC's Financial Results and Business Performance for 2010

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC) today (April 12) announced the highlights of its financial results and business performance in 2010 as follows:

2010 Financial Results Highlights

* Profit after tax up 22.7% to HK$1,234 million (2009: HK$1,006 million)

* Return on shareholder's equity (ROE) of 17.5% (2009: 16.2%)

* The increase in profits and ROE was mainly attributable to the favourable interest rate environment, excellent loan performance, prudent business development strategy and strong commitment to risk management

* Capital-to-asset ratio of 10.8% (2009: 9.5%), well above the minimum of 5% stipulated in the guidelines issued by the Financial Secretary

* Cost-to-income ratio of 11.0% (2009: 12.4%)

* Final dividend of HK$350 million or HK$0.175 per share, representing a dividend payout ratio of 28.4%

2010 Business Performance Highlights

Asset Purchase

* Asset purchase of HK$4.7 billion (2009: HK$8.8 billion)

* Outstanding loan balance of the loan portfolio of HK$35.3 billion at end-2010 (end-2009: HK$43.8 billion)

Mortgage Insurance Programme (MIP)

* New mortgage drawdown under the MIP up 13.9% to HK$41 billion (2009: HK$36 billion)

* Usage rate of the MIP (in terms of the amount of loans drawn down as a percentage of the total new mortgage loans drawn down in the market) of 13% (2009: 18%)

* 96% of the MIP loans drawn down were secured on properties in the secondary market, demonstrating the importance of the MIP to homebuyers in the secondary market

Debt Issuance

* Issued HK$8.3 billion corporate debts - the most active corporate debt issuer in the Hong Kong dollar debt market (2009: HK$22.7 billion)

* Outstanding debt securities of HK$39.1 billion (2009: HK$44.5 billion) and mortgage-backed securities of HK$1.5 billion (2009: HK$2 billion) as at end-2010

* Credit ratings of the HKMC were upgraded by Standard & Poor's and Moody's to AAA and Aa1 respectively, same as the ratings of the HKSAR Government

Further details of the HKMC's consolidated financial results and financial review for 2010 are set out at Annex A.

Outlook for 2011

     2011 will be another challenging year.  Quantitative easing by the United States has increased the risks of inflation and asset-price bubbles in Asia.  Various economies have introduced tightening measures to counter such impact.  Such developments reflect the significant imbalances in the global economy and financial system.  The recent earthquake in Japan has added further complications to the pace of global economic recovery.  Hence, the economic outlook for 2011 still remains uncertain and volatile.  

     The HKMC will remain vigilant and continue to reinforce its business focus in Hong Kong to fulfil its principal objectives.  The SME Financing Guarantee Scheme launched on January 1, 2011 encourages banks' lending to small and medium-sized enterprises by facilitating their risk management.  The Reverse Mortgage Pilot Scheme to be launched in mid-2011 reinforces the HKMC's overall efforts to promote home ownership.

     Chairman of the HKMC and the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, said: "The HKMC will continue to operate in a prudent commercial manner with great emphasis on risk management and good corporate governance.  This will ensure the HKMC maintains its important role in providing liquidity to local banks, meeting the mortgage insurance needs of homeowners and promoting the development of the local debt market."

Appointment of Board of Directors  

     The HKMC held its 14th Annual General Meeting today.  Thirteen directors have been re-appointed by the Financial Secretary for another term, including Professor K C Chan, Mr Chan Kin-por, Ms Tanya Chan, Ms Eva Cheng, Professor Anthony Cheung, Mr Eddy Fong, Mr Andrew Fung, Mr Ryan Fung, Mr Lester Huang, Ms Starry Lee, Mr Andrew Leung, Dr David Li and Mr Abraham Shek.  The Financial Secretary appointed Mr Jason Yeung as a new Director to replace Mr Jammy Chen who has not offered himself for re-appointment.  The composition of the new Board of Directors is at Annex B.

     According to the Articles of Association of the Corporation, at each Annual General Meeting all those Directors who are not Executive Directors shall retire but shall be eligible for re-appointment.  Hence, the term of office of these Directors will run until the next Annual General Meeting to be held around April 2012.

Ends/Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:12