Statement by Transport and Housing Bureau

     In response to media enquiries, a spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau today (November 15) stressed that the Steering Committee on the Regulation of the Sale of First-hand Residential Properties by Legislation (SC) will complete its work by October 2011 with a view to submitting a report to the Secretary for Transport and Housing.

     As for news reports that most members of the SC agreed to speed up the process to complete the report by summer recess next year for tabling in the Legislative Council for the first reading in October next year, the spokesman clarified that this was not the consensus of the SC. The views reported represent the personal opinion of an individual member only. At its meeting today, the SC agreed to submit the report to the Secretary for Transport and Housing by October next year.

Ends/Monday, November 15, 2010
Issued at HKT 20:06