SCMA visits Wan Chai District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, visited Wan Chai District this afternoon (November 9) to get an update on the district. Apart from visiting a primary school and a support service centre for ethnic minorities, he also met with Wan Chai District Council (DC) Members to exchange views with them on a wide range of subjects.

     Mr Lam first visited Po Kok Primary School at Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley, which serves local and non-Chinese speaking students. Mr Lam witnessed the various extra-curricular activities attended by the students, including field hockey, Indian dancing, scouts, fencing, and others. He also engaged in a discussion with students from different grades and of different nationalities. Besides encouraging the students to participate in more extra-curricular activities in their spare time so as to develop interests and hobbies, Mr Lam also shared with them experiences in study and life. Since 2007, Po Kok Primary School has become one of the designated schools for non-Chinese speaking students, with 80% of the student population non-Chinese speaking. As well as employing expatriate teachers and an Indian School Liaison Officer, the school publishes a parents' handbook and monthly newsletters to enhance the communication between the school and the parents.

     Mr Lam next proceeded to the Support Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities operated by the International Social Service - Hong Kong Branch, to gain a better understanding of the services provided. He chatted with students attending Cantonese and computer classes, expressing his appreciation of their efforts in integrating into life in Hong Kong. Mr Lam also encouraged them to participate in diverse activities so as to enhance their understanding of Hong Kong and to make new friends. The Support Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities, set up in 2009 with funding from the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, is located on Hennessy Road, Wan Chai.

     Before concluding his visit, Mr Lam met with Wan Chai DC Members, including the Chairman, Mr Suen Kai-cheong, and the Vice-chairman, Mr Stephen Ng, in the DC's conference room, and exchanged views on a range of subjects concerning the DC.

Ends/Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:07