Schools keen to sign Green Lunch Charter (with photos)

     More than 270 secondary and primary schools today (February 26) signed a Green Lunch Charter to demonstrate their support for the provision of green lunches at school.  

     The signing schools have pledged to provide lunches for their students at school by adopting an on-site meal portioning approach and using reusable food containers and cutlery.  It will help reduce wastage, promote healthy living and nurture the values for caring for the environment among students.  With the implementation of these measures, it is expected that food and associated waste can be reduced, which will help protect the environment.

     Officiating at the launching ceremony at Yau Ma Tei Catholic Primary School (Hoi Wang Road), the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, said it was encouraging to have the support of schools for green lunches.  "The Government hopes that more schools will join the Green Lunch Charter and they are welcome to apply for subsidies if needed," he said.
     Up to 40 million disposable containers and 15,000 tonnes of food waste were generated from school lunches per year in Hong Kong, which not only resulted in wastage but was also contrary to the principle of green living, Mr Yau said.

     On-site meal portioning has the merit of protecting our environment and offering a healthy diet. Food waste can be reduced as the amount of food served is adjusted according to the need of each student. The food will be more nutritious and fresher under the practice and it is in line with the principle of a healthy diet.

     "I believe that schools and parents are happy to see the students taking a healthier and greener diet," Mr Yau said.

     Other officiating guests of the launching ceremony included the Under Secretary for Education, Mr Kenneth Chen and the Chairman of the Waste Recovery Projects Vetting Subcommittee, Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), Professor Jonathan Wong. Officiating guests enjoyed a green lunch with the students after the ceremony.

     A list of schools which have signed the Green Lunch Charter has been uploaded to the Environmental Protection Department's website (

     The Chief Executive announced in the Policy Address last October that the Environment Bureau and the Education Bureau would jointly invite all schools to sign the Green Lunch Charter. The ECF has earmarked $50 million to subsidise schools in installing necessary facilities. The standardised facilities of all newly built schools will meet the requirement of on-site meal portioning.

     Since the launch of the scheme on December 7 last year, more than 180 schools have expressed their interests to the secretariat of ECF in applying for subsidies to install basic facilities for on-site meal portioning.

Ends/Friday, February 26, 2010
Issued at HKT 15:53