CE appoints Under Secretaries (with photos)

    The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, today (May 20) appointed the first batch of eight Under Secretaries to bolster the strength and capacity of the Government's team of political appointees under the political appointment system.

    At the rank of Deputy Directors of Bureau, the new Under Secretaries are drawn from the finance, legal and medical professions, as well as academia and the media.  One of them is an Administrative Officer.

    䩕The appointments mark a key milestone in Hong Kong's development of its political appointment system,蒅 Mr Tsang said.

    Impressed by the commitment and passion of the new appointees to serve Hong Kong, Mr Tsang was confident that they would work closely as a team with the Bureau Secretaries and the highly professional civil servants in implementing his policy blueprint and agenda.

    The process for appointing additional political appointees is still under way. The Government will make further announcements on the remaining posts of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants in due course.

    The Under Secretaries are appointed under the political appointment system on non-civil service terms for the period ending June 30, 2012.

    The eight appointees are -

*Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So Kam-leung;

*Under Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam Chi-yuen;

*Under Secretary for Education, Mr Kenneth Chen Wei-on;

*Under Secretary for the Environment, Dr Kitty Poon Kit;

*Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Ms Julia Leung

*Under Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Gabriel Matthew Leung;

*Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Ms Florence Hui Hiu-fai; and

*Under Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Yau Shing-mu.

    Their biographical notes are as follows:

Mr Gregory So Kam-leung

    Aged 49.  Mr So holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics from the Carleton University and a double degree of Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Ottawa.

    Mr So is the senior partner of a solicitor﷿s firm.  He is also a vice-chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of HK.

    Mr So is a Member of the Hospital Authority, the Council of the Lingnan University and the Commission on Strategic Development.  Between 2000 and 2003, Mr So served on the Wong Tai Sin District Council and the Tsz Wan Shan Area Committee.

Mr Raymond Tam Chi-yuen

    Aged 44.  Mr Tam holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering from the University of Hong Kong.  He joined the Administrative Service in September 1987 and rose to the rank of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B in April 2007.  Mr Tam has served in various bureaus and departments including the Central Policy Unit, the former Constitutional Affairs Bureau, the Office of the Financial Secretary, The Chief Executive﷿s Office, the Geneva Office and the Information Services Department.  Mr Tam is currently the Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs.

Mr Kenneth Chen Wei-on

    Aged 43.  Mr Chen holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University, a Master of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University and a Master Degree in Business Administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

      He joined the Hong Kong Jockey Club  in 2000 and is currently its Director of Racecourse Business.

      Mr Chen is a member of the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications and served as a part-time member of the Central Policy Unit between 1998 and 2000.

Dr Kitty Poon Kit

    Aged 45.  Dr Poon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Rutgers University, a Master Degree in International Affairs from the Columbia University and a Ph.D. in Government and Public Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

    Dr Poon joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in August 2005 and was promoted in 2006 to her current post as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences. 

    She is a part-time member of the Central Policy Unit and a council member of the Hong Kong Political Science Association Limited. 

Ms Julia Leung Fung-yee

    Aged 48.  Ms Leung holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Master of Science Degree in journalism from the Columbia University.

    Ms Leung joined the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) in 1994 and was promoted to her present post as Executive Director (External) in 2000.  She is a member of the Financial Services Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. 

    Before joining HKMA, Ms Leung served on the Asian Wall Street Journal for 10 years.

Professor Gabriel Matthew Leung

    Aged 35.  Prof Leung holds a Medical Degree from the University of Western Ontario, a Master Degree in Public Health from Harvard University, a Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and a number of professional qualifications. 

    He joined the Faculty of Medicine of HKU in 1999 and was promoted in 2006 to his present position as Professor in Translational Public Health. 

    Prof Leung has been a consultant to various international agencies including the World Health Organisation and World Bank.  Prof Leung is also a member of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Board of Governors.

Ms Florence Hui Hiu-fai

    Aged 34.  Ms Hui holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Master Degree in Business Administration from Cambridge University.  She has pursued executive training programmes at the Tsing Hua University and the Harvard University. 

    Ms Hui joined the Standard Chartered Bank in 2002 and was promoted in 2007 to her present position as Head of Business Planning and Development (North East Asia).  She was the Secretary to the Hong Kong Association of Banks and served on the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Financial Services Committee. She is at present a convenor of the Chamber﷿s China Committee.

    She is also a part-time member of the Central Policy Unit.

Mr Yau Shing-mu

    Aged 48.  Mr Yau holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences of the University of London. 

    Mr Yau joined the Hong Kong Economic Times in 1992 and was promoted in 2000 to the current post of Executive Chief Editor.   

    Mr Yau was the Best Hong Kong Newspaper Reporter (General News) in 1986 and has written a few books on social issues.  He has served on the Hong Kong Journalists Association and the Hong Kong Press Council.

Ends/Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Issued at HKT 11:25