CS calls for closer ties between Hong Kong and European Union (with photos)

    The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, would like to see Hong Kong establishing closer ties with the European Union and Belgium.

    At the start of his visit to Europe, at meetings with political and business leaders from the European Union and Belgium on May 7 and 8 (local time), Mr Tang urged for more bilateral economic, social and cultural exchanges.

    Mr Tang met leaders from the European Parliament-Hong Kong Friendship Group and European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with the People's Republic of China, and briefed them on Hong Kong's latest developments.  They exchanged views on Hong Kong's economic and constitutional development, as well as preparation for the 2008 Olympic Equestrian Events.

    Mr Tang said that the European Parliament was pleased to learn that the "One Country, Two System" had been successfully implemented in Hong Kong as Hong Kong remained as a free and open society under the rule of law, with a high degree of autonomy. 

    "They also understand that we now have a clear timetable on universal suffrage and that we are discussing the introduction of more democratic elements into the elections in 2012, to pave the way forward for attaining universal suffrage for the election of the Chief Executive in 2017 and the Legislative Council in 2020.蒅

    At a breakfast meeting with the European Commissioner for Trade, Mr Peter Mandelson, Mr Tang said Hong Kong would continue to play an active role in the multilateral trade liberalisation process.  He also hoped to see Hong Kong and the European Union continue to strengthen their bilateral trade relationship.

    Mr Tang also called on meetings with Belgian government officials including Speaker of the House of Representatives Mr Herman Van Rompuy, Deputy Prime Minister Mr Didier Reynders, and representatives from the Flemish Regional Government, the French-speaking Community and Walloon Regional Government.

    Mr Tang updated the Belgian officials on Hong Kong's latest developments.  Both sides looked forward to more exchanges and co-operation in areas of trade and investment as well as culture and education.  Mr Tang also briefed them on the progress of Hong Kong's preparation for the Olympic Equestrian Events and welcomed Belgian athletes to compete in the events in Hong Kong.

    At a gala dinner co-organised by the Belgium Hong Kong Society and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels, Mr Tang emphasised that both Hong Kong and Belgium could play an indispensable role in Sino-European economic and trade co-operation.

    Mr Tang told Belgian financial and business leaders at the dinner that there was no better time to invest, to look for business opportunities and to visit Hong Kong.

    Mr Tang also paid a courtesy call on the Chinese Ambassador to the European Communities Mr Song Zhe, and learned about the development of the relationship between China and Europe.

    Mr Tang will later meet the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Karel De Gucht, and officiate at the opening of the 5th Hong Kong Film Panorama in Antwerp tonight (May 8 local time).  This year, 12 Hong Kong films are selected for screening in Europe.  Antwerp is the first stop and the panorama will be moving to Amsterdam in June.

    On May 9, Mr Tang will leave for Milan, the second leg of his European visit.

Ends/Thursday, May 8, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:40