LegCo to debate human rights and the right to return to one's hometown

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

    The Legislative Council will hold a meeting this Wednesday (April 30) at 11 am in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building. During the meeting, Members will debate a motion on human rights and the right to return to one's hometown.

    The motion, to be proposed by Hon Emily LAU, says: "That this Council urges the Central Government to honour the commitment it made when bidding to host the Olympic Games seven years ago that it would enhance human rights and develop democracy; moreover, as a number of Hong Kong people have been barred by the Central Government from returning to the Mainland for almost 20 years, this Council calls on the Central Government to respect the right of the Chinese nationals in Hong Kong to freely travel to and from the Mainland, and urges the Executive Authorities to assist these people to have their right to return to their hometown reinstated."
    Hon TAM Yiu-chung will move an amendment to Hon Emily LAU's motion.
    Members will also debate a motion on ceasing the imposition of the levy on employers of foreign domestic helpers.  The motion, to be moved by Hon Tommy CHEUNG, states: "That this Council urges the Government to immediately cease the imposition of the levy on employers of foreign domestic helpers."
    Hon LEE Cheuk-yan will move an amendment to Hon Tommy CHEUNG's motion.

    Meanwhile, Hon Albert HO will move a resolution under the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance to repeal the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 6) Order 2008, laid on the table of the Legislative Council on March 12, 2008.
    On bills, Members will resume Second Reading debates on the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2007 and the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Bill. If the bills are supported by Members and receive their Second Readings, they will then go through the Committee Stage and be read the third time.
    During the meeting, Members will ask the Government 20 questions on various policy areas, six of which require oral replies.
    The agenda of the above meeting can be obtained via the Legislative Council InfoFax Service (Tel: 2869 9568) or the Legislative Council website (www.legco.gov.hk).
    Members of the public are welcome to observe the proceedings of the meeting from the public galleries of the Legislative Council Chamber. They may reserve seats by calling 2869 9399 during office hours. Seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Members of the public can also listen to the meeting via the audio webcast system on the Legislative Council homepage.

Ends/Monday, April 28, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:33