TD launches PDA version of Traffic Speed Map

    To help members of the public to grasp the latest road traffic information, the Transport Department will launch a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) version of the Traffic Speed Map on April 29. 

    A spokesman for the Transport Department said today (Apr 25): "With the launching of the new service, PDA users can browse the Traffic Speed Map for the main roads in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories South in the department's homepage (  The information will enable them to better plan their journey and select the mode of transport." 

    The PDA version of the Traffic Speed Map will be updated every five minutes, indicating average traffic flow speeds of the routes in three different colours as follows:

    Speed Range (per hour)                Colour
    *********************                ******
        0-15km                            Red
      15-30km                            Yellow
      30km or above                      Green

    "The department has been providing information on traffic conditions through various channels to reduce delay and alleviate traffic congestion.  Among these services, a Traffic Speed Map showing road congestion information has been uploaded onto the department﷿s homepage since August 2005.  The rolling out of the Traffic Speed Map PDA version will provide the public with another convenient means of receiving real-time traffic information," the spokesman said.

Ends/Friday, April 25, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:46