LCQ11: Aircraft noise mitigating measures

    Following is a question by the Hon Albert Chan and a written reply by the Secretary for Environment, Mr Edward Yau (in the absence of the Secretary for Transport and Housing), in the Legislative Council today (April 16):


    In reply to my question at the Council meeting on March 29, 2006, the Government indicated that the Civil Aviation Department had since October 1998 implemented a series of aircraft noise mitigating measures to minimise the impact of aircraft noise on the communities near the flight paths (e.g. to avoid aircraft overflying densely populated areas in the early hours, arrangements were made for flights departing Hong Kong between 11pm and 7am to use the southbound route via the West Lamma Channel as far as possible, while flights arriving in Hong Kong between midnight and 7am were directed to land from the waters southwest of the airport). However, I have learnt that up till now aircraft noise during the above hours still often causes nuisance to residents of many housing estates, making it difficult for them to fall sleep. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the figures on aircraft noise levels which reached 70 to 74, 75 to 79, and up to or over 80 decibels ("dB") during the above hours, as recorded by various noise monitoring terminals last year;

(b)  of the types of aircraft the aircraft noise levels of which reached 80 dB or above last year and their operating airline companies; and

(c)  whether the existing aircraft noise mitigating measures will be enhanced to reduce the nuisance caused to residents; if so, of the details?


Madam President,

(a)  At present, there are 16 noise monitoring terminals in Hong Kong.  The required noise events recorded at these terminals in 2007 are set out at Annex 1;

(b)  the types of aircraft with noise events exceeding 80 dB in 2007 and the operating airlines concerned are set out at Annex 2;

(c)  without affecting flight safety and air traffic operation, the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) has since October 1998 implemented a series of noise mitigating measures to minimise the impact of aircraft noise on the areas near the flight paths. Such measures, apart from those mentioned in the question, include﷿

(i)  to reduce the aircraft noise impact on Tsing Lung Tau, Sham Tseng and Ma Wan, all aircraft taking off towards the northeast of the airport are required to follow the noise abatement departure procedures prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organization to reach a higher altitude within a shorter distance;

(ii) aircraft approaching from the northeast between 11pm and 7am adopt the Continuous Descent Approach when landing to reduce aircraft noise impact on areas such as Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung and Ma On Shan; and

(iii)with effect from July 2002, CAD has banned all aircraft which has a higher noise level, as defined in Chapter 2 of Volume I, Part II of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, from landing and taking off in Hong Kong.

    CAD will continue to monitor the use of the flight paths of aircraft landing and departing the airport and the aircraft noise impact through the Aircraft Noise and Flight Track Monitoring System. It will also continue to closely monitor international aviation technology developments and consider all possible measures to further mitigate aircraft noise.

Ends/Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:03