Meeting discusses Tourism Board work plan on MICE promotion

    The Steering Committee on MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) chaired by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, today (March 11) held its third meeting during which the Executive Director of Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), Mr Anthony Lau, briefed members on the 2008-09 Work Plan by HKTB on MICE promotion.

    䩕In support of the objective proposed by the Chief Executive in his Policy Address to enhance the appeal of Hong Kong as an international convention, exhibition and tourism capital, I earmarked an additional $150 million in the 2008-09 Budget to step up our efforts in MICE promotion in the coming five years with an aim of attracting more high quality and mega convention and exhibition projects to Hong Kong,蒅 Mr Tsang said.

    䩕As the Tourism Board has been putting resources in marketing MICE and has also established an overseas network, the Government has invited the board to take up this task on MICE promotion. A work plan on strengthening MICE promotion for the coming year was drawn up by the Tourism Board for presentation at today﷿s meeting. The Steering Committee supports the Tourism Board﷿s overall efforts outlined in the plan.蒅

    According to the work plan, the sum of additional funding will be used in the following three areas:

(1) Enhance the existing efforts in MICE promotion, such as upgrading the existing website into a dedicated standalone one designed for MICE clients;

(2) Provide one-stop customised support for convention and exhibition organisers. The service may include assisting organisers to bid for and explore prospective mega MICE events, launching local and overseas promotion of related events and providing tourism products and infrastructure to enrich participants﷿ tourism experience; and

(3) Launch overseas campaigns targeting overseas convention and exhibition organisers and industry through channels including advertising and direct mailing to strengthen Hong Kong﷿s image as the premier destination for MICE events.

    The Steering Committee noted that the HKTB would draw up a detailed mechanism regarding the provision of one-stop professional supporting services (such as overseas promotion and travel product offers) to individual convention and exhibition organisers later. The HKTB will announce details of the mechanism after consideration and approval by its board.

    To maximise the synergy of overseas promotions, the steering committee gave its support to the Tourism Commission in convening an Alliance Group (AG) with the Tourism Board, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, InvestHK, and overseas Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices, to co-ordinate related joint promotion work and actively seek for more conventions and exhibitions to be hosted in Hong Kong. The AG and its members will keep close contact with the trade organisations and leaders of the MICE sector so as to keep track of market needs and draw up related marketing directions accordingly.

    The steering committee also noted today the planning and land measures to facilitate the development of more hotels initiated by the Government, including the introduction of 䩕restricted to hotel use蒅 sites in 2008-09 Application List announced in the 2008-09 Budget.

    In the meantime, Tourism Commission briefed the Steering Committee on the Workshop on Human Resources Development for MICE and related tourism sectors report released today.

    The Chief Executive announced in his 2007-08 Policy Address that the Financial Secretary and the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development would lead a cross-sector steering committee to review and formulate development strategies for the MICE sector.  The steering committee comprises representatives from government, convention and exhibition, travel, hotel trades and tertiary and training institutions.

Ends/Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:02