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Appointments to Quality Education Fund Steering Committee and Investment Committee

    The Education and Manpower Bureau today (January 15) announced the appointment of members to the Quality Education Fund Steering Committee (QEFSC) and Quality Education Fund Investment Committee (QEFIC).

     The following five members were re-appointed to QEFSC:

* Mr Chan Chi-wan, Stephen, General Manager ﷿ Broadcasting, Television Broadcasts Ltd
* Professor Ip Ho-shing, Horace, Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
* Mr Wong Chun, Justein, JP, Director, Ramus Information Systems Ltd
* Mr Wong Kwan-yu, MH, Principal, Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan)
* Ms Yip Sau-wah, Lisa, Principal, Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School

     The following two new members were appointed to QEFIC:

* Mr Ip Sing-piu, Antony, Headmaster, Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School
* Ms Lee Lai-wan, Maria, Head of Department, Department of Child Education and Community Services, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education

     The appointments will take effect from tomorrow (January 16). The term for Mr Wong Kwan-yu will last until June 30, 2007, while the rest will be on a term of two years from the effective date.

     The following two members of QEFIC were re-appointed for a term of two years with effect from March 11, 2007:

* Mr Kwong Che-keung, Gordon, an independent non-executive director of a number of companies
* Mr Sun Tak-kei, David, BBS, Chairman of Ernst & Young

     "I am confident that with the above appointments, the Quality Education Fund (QEF) will continue with its excellent work in the promotion of quality school education in Hong Kong," the Secretary for Education and Manpower, Professor Arthur KC Li, said.

     He also thanked two outgoing members of QEFSC for their contributions in the past years, namely Professor Chan Kim-sang, Lorna, retired Dean of School of Early Childhood Education, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, and Mr Fung Ka-ching, Headmaster, SKH Chai Wan St. Michael's Primary School.

     QEF was established in early 1998 with a capital of $5 billion to fund community initiatives which promote quality education in Hong Kong. QEFSC was set up to advise on policies and operation of QEF. It also makes recommendations to the Fund's Trustee on the awards of grants. QEFIC was set up alongside QEFSC to formulate policies for and to monitor the investment of the Fund.

     Since its establishment, the Fund has supported 6,357 projects with a total grant amounting to $3.35 billion.

Ends/Monday, January 15, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:01


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