Awards Presentation of Essay Competition cum Commemoration of 1st Anniversary of "Science in the Public Service" Campaign (wih photos)

    The Awards Presentation of the Essay Competition and Commemoration of the first anniversary of the "Science in the Public Service" Campaign was held at the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) Headquarters today (January 13). The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong, Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, officiated at the event, and with the Director of the HKO, Mr Chiu-Ying Lam, and CEO of the Hong Kong Education City Limited, Ms Jacqueline Cheng, presented awards to the winners of the essay competition.

     "To the general public, the word 'science' is quite distant and is generally related to things that are very difficult to understand," Professor Tsui said.  "The 'Science in the Public Service' campaign provides a very good opportunity to let everybody know about the scientific work of the Government, as well as the close relationship between the Government﷿s application of technology and people﷿s daily life."

     The "Science in the Public Service" campaign was inaugurated by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at the Exhibition Galleries of the Hong Kong Central Library on the January 13, 2006. This was followed by a series of activities including a joint exhibition, popular science talks, a symposium, visits to government facilities, talks and roving exhibition in schools, an essay competition and a radio programme.  Because of the good response from the public, the partners after discussion agreed that the meaningful activities should continue.  To enhance public awareness towards science and its implications to daily life, a major event would be organised every two to three years, together with a variety of other activities in the intervening years.

     As one of the campaign initiators, Director of HKO Mr Chiu-Ying Lam said, "In the past year, more than 30 partner departments and collaborating organisations joined in a series of activities which were well received by the public. Ten more bureaux and departments have joined the campaign this year, making a total of more than 40 partners.  We believe the campaign will continue to flourish, and the idea of 'Advancing Science, Advancing Service' will become ever more popular among the public."

Ends/Saturday, January 13, 2007
Issued at HKT 12:01