LCSD's response to SCL case

    In response to the Security Centre Limited (SCL) case, a spokesman for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) today (January 11) said the company was currently providing security services at a number of LCSD venues under four contracts involving about 150 staff.

     As soon as the LCSD became aware of the company's financial problems, the department was concerned about the situation of the staff of the company in question. The department took immediate action to work out with the company how the staff should be taken care of.

     The LCSD has already reached an agreement with the company to ensure that the outstanding wages for December for those workers will be paid. It has been agreed that the part of the service fee for December to be used for paying the salary of the staff will be used by the company for the purpose. The payment to the staff will be made by the company under the co-ordination of the Labour Department. The company has also agreed to maintain its services at the LCSD venues under the existing contracts until the LCSD has arranged for new contractor(s) to take over the company's work. Salary accrued during the period is expected to be settled in the same way as for the month of December. The LCSD would also encourage the new contractor(s) to re-employ the affected workers as far as possible.

Ends/Thursday, January 11, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:32