Telecommunications services closely monitored

    In response to media enquiries regarding the complaints received by the Consumer Council on telecommunications services, a spokesman for the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) made the following statement today (January 11):

     "OFTA has been closely monitoring the market situation and will take appropriate regulatory action against any operator who is found in breach of the licence conditions and the Telecommunications Ordinance as the case may warrant.

     "From OFTA's experience, most consumer complaints about telecommunications services were contractual and billing disputes. While OFTA is not empowered by the Telecommunications Ordinance to arbitrate in such disputes, OFTA is studying the feasibility of formulating a scheme for the better resolution of individual customer disputes, through the establishment of an independent customer dispute adjudication scheme. Industry participation will be voluntary. OFTA is now seeking the industry's support and at the same time working out the details with them. A pilot scheme is being developed."

Ends/Thursday, January 11, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:05