Appointments to Antiquities Advisory Board

    The Government announced today (January 8) the Chief Executive had appointed 28 members to serve on the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) for the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008.  

     The AAB is a statutory advisory board to advise the Government on matters relating to antiquities and monuments and is Government's important partner in heritage conservation. The number of members of the current term has been increased from 21 to 28. Thirteen of them are re-appointed members (including the Chairman) and 15 are newly appointed.

     Announcing the new appointments to the AAB today, the Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Patrick Ho, said, "The new term of the AAB comprises a balanced composition of members from different fields and professions, expanding the community representation of the board. Many members have been involved in built heritage conservation and related issues in different ways while some others have a keen interest in public policy. There are also some young new faces.

     "With the increasing public awareness of the importance of built heritage conservation matters, I am confident that this new composition would bring in fresh ideas and inject new impetus to the work of the AAB. The new term of the AAB would also adopt a more open and accountable mode of operation whereby it would put in place more channels to listen to and gauge the views of the general public, concerned groups and stakeholders before it is in a position to advise the Government on matters relating to antiquities, monuments and built heritage conservation," Dr Ho added.

     The appointment will be published in the Gazette this Friday (January 12).

     The following are major particulars of the AAB members:

- Mr Edward HO Sing-tin, SBS, JP
* Chairman of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society

- Hon Bernard Charmwut CHAN, GBS, JP
* Member of the Executive Council
* Member of the Legislative Council
* Deputy Chairman of the Council of Lingnan University
* Member of the Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council

- Prof Leslie CHEN Hung-chi
* Member of the Town Planning Board
* Member of the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee

- Mrs Mariana CHENG CHO Chi-on, BBS, JP
* Chairman of Human Organ Transplant Board
* Member of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong

- Mr David CHEUNG Ching-leung
* Senior management of an asset management firm

- Mr Raymond CHEUNG Man-to
* Elected member of the Sham Shui Po District Council

- Ms Susanna CHIU Lai-kuen
* Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
* Council Member of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra

- Mr Patrick FUNG Pak-tung, SC
* Chairman of the Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings)
* Deputy Chairman of the Appeal Board Panel (Town Planning)
* Member of the Environmental Impact Assessment Appeal Board Panel

- Mr James HONG Shu-kin
* Chartered Financial Analyst with expertise in fund management

- Mr Philip KAN Siu-lun
* Member of the Chinese Temples Committee

- Mr KWONG Hoi-ying
* Senior management personnel of broadcasting organisation

- Mr Billy LAM Chung-lun, SBS, JP
* Managing Director of the Urban Renewal Authority

- Mr Andrew LAM Siu-lo
* Member of the Committee on Museums
* Member of the Selection Committee for the Allocation of Sites to Post-secondary Education Providers

- Dr LAU Chi-pang
* Member of the Tuen Mun District Council
* Member of the Committee on Museums

- The Honourable Patrick LAU Sau-shing, SBS, JP
* Member of the Legislative Council
* Member of the Board of Ocean Park Corporation
* Member of the Commission on Strategic Development
* Member of the Housing Authority

- Mr Laurence LI Lu-jen
* Member of the Administrative Appeals Board
* Member of the Joint Committee on Student Finance

- Prof Bernard LIM Wan-fung
* Member of the Town Planning Board
* Member of Energy Advisory Committee
* Member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings)

- Dr NG Cho-nam, BBS
* Member of the Advisory Committee on the Quality of Water Supplies
* Member of the Commission on Strategic Development
* Member of the Town Planning Board

- Mr NG Yat-cheung, JP
* Chairman of Friends of the Chest Yuen Long District Committee

- Mr Almon POON Chin-hung, JP
* Member of the Administrative Appeals Board
* Member of the Advisory Committee on Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programme

- Mr Simon SHEN Xu-hui
* Part time member of the Central Policy Unit

- Ms Miranda SZETO Siu-ching
* Senior personnel of a property development and management firm

- Dr Linda TSUI Yee-wan
* Member of the Mass Communications Training Board of the Vocational Training Council

- Dr Greg WONG Chak-yan, JP
* Vice Chairman of the Metro Planning Committee
* Member of the Town Planning Board

- Mr Bryan WONG Kim-yeung
* Senior personnel of a Tourism Services firm

- Mr YEUNG Yiu-chung, BBS, JP
* Member of the Commission on Strategic Development

- Ms Lisa YIP Sau-wah
* Member of the Social Welfare Advisory Committee
* Member of the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board

- Miss Vivian YU Yuk-ying
* Member of the Committee on the Promotion of Civil Education
* Adjudicator of the Immigration Tribunal

Ends/Monday, January 8, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:17