Traders reminded to import meat with health certificates

    The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (January 4) reminded the trade to import meat with health certificates.

     This followed a recent court case in which a man was convicted at the Fanling Magistrates﷿ Courts for importing meat without health certificates.

     On November 17 last year, a lorry carrying some 570 kilogrammes of fresh pork in 19 bags was intercepted at the Lok Ma Chau Control Point by the Customs and Excise Department.  
     The driver, who imported unmanifested cargo, also failed to produce official documents for importing meat, was handed over to CFS for further investigation.

     He was sentenced to four months﷿ imprisonment for importing unmanifested cargo and two months for importing meat without health certificates. Both jail terms are to be served concurrently.

     A centre spokesman said that under the Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations, anyone importing meat without health certificate committed an offence and was liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months﷿ imprisonment.

Ends/Thursday, January 4, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:15