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Applications for PSDAS now being accepted

    The 15th round of applications for funding from the Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme (PSDAS) is now open.

     The scheme, launched in February 2002 with an allocation of $100 million, finances projects aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Hong Kong's professional services on the Mainland and other external markets, and enhancing the standard of the local professional services. Professional, trade, or industrial organisations as well as research institutes are eligible to apply for funding from the PSDAS. Such organisations or institutes must be non-profit-distributing.

     Grants are given on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The maximum grant for a project is $2 million.

     A vetting committee, comprising professionals, business people, academics and a government official, will assess applications and monitor approved projects.

     In the previous 13 rounds of applications, a total of 159 applications have been recommended by the vetting committee and the funding involved was $63.6 million. Projects funded so far include conferences, training programmes, exchange visits and promotional activities. Among the approved projects, 72 projects involving funding of $29.42 million relate to enhancing competitiveness in the Mainland market. Applications received in the 14th round are being processed and the results will be available in mid-March 2007.

     Detailed information about the scheme, a list of the approved projects and application forms are available at the PSDAS website,, or can be obtained by calling the enquiries hotline, 2918 7593.

     To help interested organisations prepare their applications, the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau will hold a briefing session on February 28, 2007. Also, a helpdesk service will be available from February 28, 2007. Interested organisations may call the enquiries hotline for details or to register.

     All applications for this round should reach the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau by March 30, 2007.

Ends/Friday, December 29, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:02