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Appointments to Small and Medium Enterprises Committee

    The Government today (December 29) announced appointments to the Small and Medium Enterprises Committee (SMEC). The appointments are for the period January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008.

     The new SMEC comprises 27 members with Mr Yu Kwok-chun as the Chairman. Other members of the committee include businessmen, professionals, bankers, academics, representatives from organisations that provide support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Director-General of Trade and Industry and Deputy Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Commerce and Industry).

     The SMEC is tasked with advising the Chief Executive on issues affecting the development of SMEs in Hong Kong and suggesting measures to support and facilitate their development and growth.  

     The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, thanked the Chairman and members of the new SMEC for accepting this important task. "SMEs are the backbone of Hong Kong's economy," Mr Tsang said. "Over the years, SMEC has made important contributions to supporting local SMEs. I am confident that, under the able chairmanship of Mr Yu, the new SMEC will continue to provide valuable advice on the development of SMEs in Hong Kong. The Government will work closely with the committee to formulate policies that cater to the needs of SMEs in Hong Kong."

     "I would also like to thank Mr Chan Wing-kee, the outgoing Chairman and other outgoing members for their valuable advice during their term of office. During his past six years' chairmanship, Mr Chan has provided good leadership and guidance for the SMEC."

     The membership of the committee is as follows:

Mr YU Kwok-chun, GBS, JP (Chairman)
Dr CHAI Yat-chiu, John
Dr CHAN Chun-tung, John
Mr CHENG Man-chung, Daniel
Mr CHEUNG Chee-wah
Professor CHEUNG Yan-leung, Stephen
Miss CHOW, Lily
Mr LAU Chin-ho, Stanley, MH, JP
Ms LAU Wai-kuen, Goretti
Mr LAM Yim-nan, David
Mr LEE Tak-wing, James
Mr LEUNG Chi-man, Raymond
Mr LEUNG Wang-ching, Clarence
Mrs LIN LAU Shuk-ying, Teresa
Dr LUI, Jacqueline
Mr MA Kwai-yung, Gerry
Mr MA Yung-yi, Lawrence
Mrs NGAN NG Yu-ying, Katherine
Dr TAM Wai-ho, Samson, JP
Mr TAM Wai-hung, David
The Honourable WONG Ting-kwong, BBS
Director-General of Trade and Industry
Deputy Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Commerce and Industry)
Representative of Hong Kong Productivity Council
Representative of Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Representative of Vocational Training Council

Ends/Friday, December 29, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:28