CE's transcript (English portion)

    Following is the transcript of a media session (English portion) by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, in Beijing this afternoon (December 28):

Reporter: How likely do you think it is at the end of this trip you will be able to announce that Hong Kong will be able to issue Yuan denominated bonds and also settle imports in Yuan? Second, after this, what is the next step? Would you be talking about Yuan convertibility in Shanghai...?

Chief Executive: Well, I answered those questions yesterday. I have discussed the matter in depth with the authorities here in Beijing. I have a very clear message that most of the technical matters have now been resolved. And I hope very good news will be forthcoming very soon. But it is a matter not for me to decide.  It is Renminbi arrangement. It must be announced by the central authority here in Beijing.

Reporter: On the environmental front, you said that probably the Central Government would play a more active role in helping Hong Kong and Guangdong to improve their environment.  What will be the Central Government's possible role and under what conditions will they...

Chief Executive:  No, there will be no conditions attached. There was unreserved support for what we are doing and for the mode of cooperation between ourselves and Guangdong on this matter.  Our plan for cleaning up the air is totally transparent for all to see and is subject to public monitoring through the internet by various detection centres scattered throughout the Pearl River Delta. We have a target to achieve by 2010. We are going to do this. As far as the central authority is concerned, they want to make sure that we have no impediment to reaching those targets and if help is needed, they would certainly help us. And, in fact, because this matter has been raised in the public arena in Hong Kong, they have taken the initiative to come to Guangdong to understand what is taking place. They have now understood quite clearly that there is enough resolution and determination in the Guangdong authorities and ourselves to improve the air in this region. They are generally content with what we are doing. What they have lent us is more support, technical support and policy support, if necessary, in the future. But at the moment, we are cooperating quite well with Guangdong in this.

Reporter: Have you or will you be raising the issue of Ching Cheong...

Chief Executive: I have been working on this issue throughout my term of office as Chief Executive and I will continue to do so. But I do not need to be specific in this and it will not be very helpful.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Thursday, December 28, 2006
Issued at HKT 22:39